Compound-Complex Sentences

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There are four main types of sentences in English based on their structure: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Today, we're breaking down the last one. What is a compound-complex sentence? How is it formed? Is it as difficult as it seems at first glance? Let's make sense of it and see how you can master this construct!

What is a Compound-Complex Sentence?

A compound-complex sentence is a type of sentence that includes two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause is one that works alone as a complete sentence, while a dependent clause doesn't. A compound-complex sentence, therefore, combines the structure of both, creating a new, more detailed sentence.

For example:

Although he was tired, John stayed up late to finish his project, and he still managed to get to work on time.

Let's break down this sentence. It has two independent clauses:

John stayed up late to finish his project


he still managed to get to work on time.

Additionally, it has one dependent clause:

Although he was tired.

The independent clauses are connected by the coordinating conjunction "and," and the dependent clause is introduced by the subordinating conjunction "although." Looks pretty challenging? No worries! To understand most compound complex sentence examples, you need first to learn the differences between its two main parts – compound sentences vs complex sentences.

Compound-Complex Sentences

Understanding Compound Sentences

What are compound sentences? These are the ones that are formed by joining two or more independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction. Since complex compound sentence examples also contain all of those parts, let's talk about each one:

  • An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. Its standout feature is that it can stand alone as a complete sentence. For example:

I finished my homework.

  • coordinating conjunction is a conjunction that is placed between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences of equal rank. It includes words and, but, or, etc.

So, compound sentences typically consist of two or more independent clauses of equal rank. Here are some examples:

I finished my homework, and I went to bed. 

We wanted to go to the beach, but it started raining.

Understanding Complex Sentences

The second part of the compound-complex sentence examples is the complex sentence. What is it? Unlike the previous one, a complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause connected by the subordinate conjunction. Let's break it down.

  • dependent clause, also called a subordinate clause, contains a subject and a verb, but it can't stand alone as a complete sentence. It often begins with a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun (like who, which, or that). For example:

Although I was tired.

When they come together, they form complex sentences. For example:

I finished my homework, although I was tired.

Because I was tired, I went to bed early.

How they come together in compound-complex sentences

Now that you know the difference between complex vs compound sentences, it is time to move to the main topic of today's reference. So, what is a compound-complex sentence? It is the one that combines the structure of both compound and complex ones. It contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Let's see it in practice by breaking down a compound complex sentence structure using this example.

Even though Sam was exhausted, he went to the gym and lifted weights for an hour, then he went home and cooked dinner.

Here, you can see parts of both compound and complex sentence examples. 

Dependent clause: Even though Sam was exhausted;

Independent clause 1: He went to the gym and lifted weights for an hour;

Independent clause 2: Then he went home and cooked dinner;

Coordinating conjunction: And.

Subordinate conjunction: Even though.

By combining all those parts, you get the ultimate compound-complex sentence definition.


Examples of Compound-Complex Sentences

What is the difference between compound and complex sentences? What's a compound complex sentence? Now that you know the answers to these questions, all that remains to understand the topic is practice. Here are some more compound-complex sentence examples to help you with that.

Even though it was raining, the children played outside, and their parents watched from the porch.

Because the meeting was rescheduled, Jane arrived early, but she still missed the introduction.

While he enjoys reading mystery novels, he often reads non-fiction, and he writes reviews on his blog.

Since the store was closing soon, we hurried to finish our shopping, and we left just in time.

Although the movie received poor reviews, we decided to see it, and we left with mixed feelings.

How to Identify a Compound-Complex Sentence

Once you know the difference between complex and compound sentences and their main components, you can easily identify compound complex sentence examples. Here's what to look for:

  • at least two independent clauses;
  • at least one dependent clause;
  • coordinating conjunctions;
  • subordinating conjunctions.

When you see all of them in one sentence, you can be sure – you're looking at the ultimate complex compound sentences definition.


Compound-complex sentences are an essential part of the English language. They enable us to express complex ideas and thoughts but can also be challenging to master. Remember to balance complexity and clarity and avoid using too many coordinating conjunctions in a single sentence. With practice, you can become proficient in using compound-complex sentences in your writing. Good luck!

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PromovaFeb 4th, 2025
Yes, compound-complex sentences can make writing sound more advanced, but their effectiveness depends on how they are used. These sentences combine multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause, allowing for more detail, nuance, and logical connections.
Isadore KizzieFeb 4th, 2025
Do compound-complex sentences make writing sound more advanced?
Guito jeanDec 29th, 2024
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Ikechukwu josephMay 16th, 2024
Paulino Apinyo Bol BolMar 26th, 2024
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Edith EngelhardMar 14th, 2024
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Edith EngelhardMar 14th, 2024
This is very helpful
Sundas Ashraf Feb 14th, 2024
It is good and helping website. It really helped me to get my answer if English subject . I agree with this website.
ZiaFeb 1st, 2024
This is very great very understandable . It me very much in my exam... Thank you
Ivan S.Nov 16th, 2023
Useful guide for advanced sentence crafting!
sadieeeeeeeNov 11th, 2024

l know right thank u so much guys.(づ ◕‿◕ )づ