Backup vs Back up
What’s the difference between them?

A backup is a copy of a file, document, or other data that is stored separately from the original in order to protect against loss or damage.
1. I regularly create a backup of all my important documents to ensure I don't lose any data.
2. The company's backup server stored copies of critical files in case of a system failure.
3. It's essential to have a backup of your photos and videos to prevent loss in case of accidental deletion.
Back up
To support or reinforce a claim or position; to provide evidence for something.
1. He needed to back up his argument with credible sources to persuade the audience.
2. Can you back up your claims with concrete evidence to support your case in court?
3. It's important to back up your opinions with facts and examples when engaging in a debate.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Duplicate
2. Copy
3. Replication
1. Original
2. Source
3. Primary
Back up
1. Support
2. Reinforce
3. Safeguard
4. Stand behind
5. Hold in reserve
1. Contradict
2. Oppose
3. Disprove
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Backup", "Back up".

1. Remember that 'backup' is a noun by picturing a large, secure safe where important data is stored to back it up.
2. The verb form 'back up' can be remembered by thinking about how it is used to provide support. Think about a car backing up to provide assistance or help to another car.
3. If you are unsure, double check by looking up the word or consulting a dictionary.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word 'backup' be used?
Backup should be used when a copy of a file, document, or other data needs to be stored separately from the original in order to protect against loss or damage.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word 'back up'?
The appropriate context for using the back up word is when someone needs to support or reinforce a claim or position, or provide evidence for something.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to the context to use the correct word.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One of the most common mistakes people make when using these words is confusing the two and using the wrong one in a sentence. For example, using the word 'backup' when they should be using the word 'back up'. Additionally, people may mistakenly pronounce the two words the same way, when they should be pronounced differently.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I always keep a _____ of my thesis on a separate USB drive.
2. Can you please _____ your argument with some concrete evidence?
3. My computer crashed, but thankfully I had a recent _____ on an external hard drive.
4. When in an argument, its essential to be able to _____ your points with facts.
5. Before we proceed with the software update, lets create a _____ just in case something goes wrong.
6. Whenever you claim such things in a debate, you need to _____ your statements.
1. I always keep a backup of my thesis on a separate USB drive.
Explanation: The sentence refers to a copy of a file or document. The noun form backup is appropriate here.
2. Can you please back up your argument with some concrete evidence?
Explanation: In this context, back up is used as a verb, meaning to support or provide evidence for an argument.
3. My computer crashed, but thankfully I had a recent backup on an external hard drive.
Explanation: Similar to the first sentence, the reference is to a stored copy of data, making backup (the noun form) the right choice.
4. When in an argument, its essential to be able to back up your points with facts.
Explanation: The phrase back up in this sentence is used as a verb, suggesting the action of supporting or reinforcing ones points.
5. Before we proceed with the software update, lets create a backup just in case something goes wrong.
Explanation: Here, backup refers to a stored copy of data to be kept safe from potential issues, fitting the noun form backup.
6. Whenever you claim such things in a debate, you need to back up your statements.
Explanation: Back up is used as a verb here, meaning to provide evidence or support for statements or claims.
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