Secretion vs Excretion
What’s the difference between them?

the production or release of a substance (such as a hormone or enzyme) from a cell, gland, or organ.
1. The cells in the pancreas help to create insulin secretion in the body.
2. The skin releases sweat as a natural secretion to regulate body temperature.
3. The liver is responsible for the secretion of various proteins and enzymes.
The process of eliminating waste substances from the body, such as urine, sweat, or feces.
1) The excretion of waste products is essential for bodily function.
2) The body can regulate the excretion of toxins through the kidneys.
3) The excretory system is responsible for the removal of urea from the body.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Release
2. Discharge
3. Exudation
4. Decantation
5. Ejecting out fluids
1. Absorption
2. Withholding
3. Retention
4. Suppression
5. Discretionary Refrain
1. Elimination
2. Discharge
3. Expulsion
4. Passing of Wastes
5. Purging
1. Intake
2. Accumulation
3. Retention
4. Preservation
5. Conservation
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Secretion", "Excretion".

1. Secretions are kept secret, excretions are expelled.
2. 'Secretion' describes the process of releasing something from internal organs, such as releasing hormones from the endocrine glands.
3. 'Excretion' is the process of the body eliminating waste products.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
Secretion should be used to refer to a substance that is produced by a living organism, usually as a result of some biological process. This could include things like digestive juices, hormones, and other chemicals and substances.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
Excretion is used to refer to the act of eliminating waste products from the body. This can include urine, feces, sweat, and other materials that the body needs to get rid of in order to maintain healthy functioning.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. 'Secretion' is pronounced with a long 'e' sound, as 'seh-kree-shun,' while 'excretion' is pronounced with a short 'e' sound, as 'ek-skree-shun.'
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using these words is confusing 'secretion' with 'excretion.' Additionally, people sometimes mistakenly use 'secrete' instead of 'excrete.' To remember the difference, consider that substances are secreted, while waste products are excreted.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The ___ of hormones is essential for regular metabolic processes.
2. The ___ of sweat is a natural response to heat.
3. The ___ of digestive enzymes helps to break down food.
4. The ___ of carbon dioxide is a vital part of the respiratory system.
5. The ___ of toxins is an important function of the kidneys.
6. The ___ of saliva helps to moisten and lubricate food.
1. Secretion
Explanation: Secretion is the process by which chemicals or other substances are released from a cell or gland, and is thus an appropriate word to fill the gap as it relates to the release of hormones.
2. Excretion
Explanation: Excretion is the process of separating waste substances from the body, and is thus an appropriate word to fill the gap as it relates to the release of sweat.
3. Secretion
Explanation: Secretion is the process by which chemicals or other substances are released from a cell or gland, and is thus an appropriate word to fill the gap as it relates to the release of digestive enzymes.
4. Excretion
Explanation: Excretion is the process of separating waste substances from the body, and is thus an appropriate word to fill the gap as it relates to the release of carbon dioxide.
5. Excretion
Explanation: Excretion is the process of separating waste substances from the body, and is thus an appropriate word to fill the gap as it relates to the release of toxins.
6. Secretion
Explanation: Secretion is the process by which chemicals or other substances are released from a cell or gland, and is thus an appropriate word to fill the gap as it relates to the release of saliva.
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