Error vs Mistake
What’s the difference between them?

a significant mistake; an incorrect or improper action.
1. I made an error when I entered my password.
2. The computer flagged up an error message.
3. The error was caused by a loose connection.
an error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.
1. I made a mistake in my calculations.
2. I'm sorry, that was a mistake on my part.
3. It's human to make mistakes, we're all fallible.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Mistake
2. Blunder
3. Botch
4. Faux Pas
5. Slip-up
1. Accuracy
2. Carelessness
3. Mistake
4. Incompetence
5. Incorrectness
1. Error
2. Blunder
3. Oversight
4. Slip-up
5. Flub
1. Success
2. Accuracy
3. Perfection
4. Rightness
5. Get it Right
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Error", "Mistake".

1. 'Error' often implies a significant or systematic deviation from what is correct or expected.
2. 'Mistake' tends to be more general and can denote a simple oversight or a misunderstanding, often unintentional, like forgetting someone's name.
3. 'Errors' often come from deeper, more fundamental issues like systematic problems.
4. 'Mistakes' might arise from carelessness or forgetfulness.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
Error should be used when referring to something that is incorrect or unsuccessful. It is typically used to describe a deviation from what is expected, accepted, or required.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
Mistake is appropriate in situations where something is done wrong or incorrectly, or when an inappropriate judgement has been made.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. Error is pronounced /ˈɛrər/, while Mistake is pronounced /mɪˈsteɪk/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using these words is confusing them for one another. Error should be used when referring to something that is incorrect or unsuccessful, while Mistake should be used when something is done wrong or incorrectly, or when an inappropriate judgement has been made.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I made an __________ when I filled out the form and now I have to start again.
2. You can learn from your __________ and try to avoid making the same one twice.
3. He realized his __________ too late and now theres no way to fix it.
4. She was careful to avoid any __________ in her work.
5. You need to recognize when youve made a __________ and take steps to correct it.
6. We need to be able to spot our own __________ quickly and efficiently.
1. Error
Explanation: An error is an unintentional action or decision that produces an incorrect or undesirable result.
2. Mistake
Explanation: A mistake is an action or decision that is unintentionally wrong or imprudent.
3. Mistake
Explanation: A mistake is an action or decision that is unintentionally wrong or imprudent.
4. Errors
Explanation: An error is an unintentional action or decision that produces an incorrect or undesirable result.
5. Mistake
Explanation: A mistake is an action or decision that is unintentionally wrong or imprudent.
6. Errors
Explanation: An error is an unintentional action or decision that produces an incorrect or undesirable result.
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