What part of speech is “time”

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time is a noun which refers to a measurable or definable period during which an event occurs, or a particular point or period on a scale of measurement of quantity or quality.

time can be counted in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. It can also be used in reference to a specific moment, or a period that is not necessarily measurable, such as a period of history or a general era. It is always non-countable and can never be pluralized; the article ‘a’ or ‘the’ is used before the word time; adjectives can be used before the noun when referring to a specific time period; and the noun time can also be used to refer to an instance of an event.

1. We have been friends for a long time.

2. The time for the test is 8am.

3. This is the time to make a change.

Time is not always used to refer to clock time. For example, you would say, 'It is time to leave' rather than 'It is 3 pm to leave.' This is an especially common mistake among non-native English speakers.


as an adjective, 'time' is used to describe a specific instance or occurrence of a recurring event. It is often used in compound terms.

The project has a time-sensitive deadline.

This is a time-honored tradition.

The camera has a time-lapse feature.

When 'time' is used as an adjective, it usually forms compound words, either hyphenated or as single terms. Be cautious with the placement of hyphens when 'time' is used as an adjective in compound terms. For example, 'time-sensitive' is hyphenated, while 'timetable' is not.


as a verb, 'time' refers to the action of measuring the duration of an event or activity. It can also mean to choose or schedule a particular moment for something to happen.

'Time' can be used to describe the act of measuring how long something takes. It can also refer to the act of planning when something will happen.

1. Can you time how long it takes to run a mile?

2. She timed her speech to be exactly 10 minutes.

3. They timed the release of the product to coincide with the holiday season.

When using 'time' as a verb to refer to scheduling, it often takes the infinitive form of another verb ('to do something'). Don't confuse 'timing' (the noun form referring to the chosen moment for something) with 'time' used as a verb ('to choose or measure the time for something').

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