Waiver vs Waver
What’s the difference between them?

a noun that means pretending that something doesn't exist.
1. His constant use of humor was a waiver, a way of coping with the underlying pain he didn't want to acknowledge.
2. Ignoring the warning signs could be seen as a waiver, a conscious decision to pretend that potential problems didn't exist.
3. The manager's silence during the meeting felt like a waiver, as if he were intentionally avoiding the uncomfortable topic.
To waver is to move back and forth or to be uncertain in opinion, decision, or faith.
1. Faced with conflicting opinions, she began to waver in her decision on which job offer to accept.
2. The politician seemed to waver on his stance, giving different answers to the same question at different times.
3. In times of crisis, strong leaders do not waver; they stand firm in their convictions and decisions.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Surrender
2. Relinquish
3. Abandonment
4. Abnegation
5. Unconditional release
1. Assumption
2. Obligation
3. Agreement
4. Rejection
5. Enforce
1. Fluctuate
2. Undulate
3. Vacillate
4. Oscillate
5. Swing back and forth
1. Resolve
2. Stand firm
3. Conform
4. Remain steadfast
5. Stick to one's guns
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Waiver", "Waver".

1. Connect 'waiver' with the idea of pretending that something doesn't exist. It's a noun associated with ignoring or overlooking.
2. Associate 'waver' with the concept of moving back and forth or being uncertain in opinion, decision, or faith. It's a verb linked to indecision or hesitation.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word 'Waiver' be used?
Waiver is used to legally release a person or entity from a certain obligation or duty. Commonly, waivers are used when someone is giving up their right to sue, or take legal action against another person or entity. Waivers are also used in contracts, insurance documents, and medical forms.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word 'Waver'?
The word 'Waver' has multiple meanings, but is most commonly used as a verb to describe a change in opinion, attitude, or feeling. For example, when someone wavers between two choices, they are uncertain which one to choose. Waver can also be used to describe a person’s unsteady or hesitant behavior.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to the context to use the correct word.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
People often mistakenly use the word 'Waiver' when they mean 'Waver' and vice versTo avoid this mistake, it is important to understand the difference between the two words. Waiver is used to legally release someone from an obligation while Waver is used to describe a change in opinion, attitude, or feeling.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. He began to ___ about whether or not he should accept the job offer.
2. The company requires all employees to sign a liability ___ before participating in the team-building activity.
3. Her confidence began to ___ after she received feedback on her project.
4. Due to the risks involved, you must sign a ___ before going skydiving.
5. I noticed the candle flame ___ in the drafty room.
6Before entering the contest, make sure you understand the terms mentioned in the ___.
1. waver
Explanation: The sentence refers to an uncertainty in making a decision, thus waver which means to be uncertain in opinion, decision, or faith is appropriate.
2. waiver
Explanation: The term liability suggests a legal document that releases the company from responsibility, making waiver the correct term to use.
3. waver
Explanation: The use of the term confidence implies doubt or uncertainty, which matches the definition of waver.
4. waiver
Explanation: Skydiving involves risks and requires participants to forgo certain legal claims against the company, which suggests a need for a waiver.
5. waver
Explanation: The reference to the candle flame moving suggests a back and forth movement, which aligns with the definition of waver.
6. waiver
Explanation: The term contest and terms suggest a formal agreement or document that a participant might need to acknowledge or sign. This makes waiver, a document that outlines certain conditions, the most appropriate choice.
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