A1 Lessons - Elementary English Course

Most adults tried to learn English at some point, and life got in their way. English Elementary lessons can help you return to your learning journey and master the basics.


Even if you don’t remember much from your English classes in school, you’re probably not a complete beginner. In fact, you probably encounter English daily, whether at work or in your personal life. 

A1 lessons with a tutor can help you understand how much you already know and improve your skills. You can learn incredibly quickly with a good mentor at your side.

Learn English and grow beyond the elementary level with Promova! 

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English Level

Learners will be able to

Read and write short texts

Understand simple texts about familiar topics such as everyday life and job-related language. Write factual information in a series of simple phrases and sentences. 

Speak about common topics

Directly exchange information about familiar routine matters. Talk about work, free time, likes/dislikes, etc. Understand speech, provided it’s clearly and slowly articulated.

Act in structured situations

Handle common situations such as travel, ordering food at restaurants, shopping, gym visits, and so on. Understand cultural differences and make plans to a limited extent.

Hold a simple presentation

Talk about your living situation or working conditions after some preparation and rehearsal. Link thoughts and sentences into lists of key points.

Ask for and offer information

Use simple terms to ask others to explain something to you, and provide reasoning with to and for.

Create connected sentences

Link thoughts together using andbut, and because. Use relative pronouns whowhich, and that for clearer communication. Make simple predictions about the future.

What you’ll learn in our A1 Elementary English courses

Elementary level English lessons focus on improving your comfort with the language. You’ll build on your knowledge of basic tenses and very familiar topics. From there, you’ll learn to clearly communicate facts about yourself and your daily life.

Some of the topics covered in our A1 level English program include:

English Level

Conversational topics

  • People you know - friends, family, etc.
  • Everyday life, weekends, and vacations.
  • Workspaces and everyday items in them.
  • Simple technology problems and solving them.
  • Sports popular in your country, related events.
  • Exercise and your daily habits.
  • Celebrations and holidays in your country.
  • Pop culture and pop culture events - concerts, etc.
  • How to invite others to events and plan meetings. 
  • Gifts - gifting, receiving, expressing gratitude.
  • Favorite comfort foods; describing meals.
  • Common situations while eating out at restaurants.
  • Past events in your life; describing a special day.
  • Opinions and feelings; expressing emotions.
  • Shopping - habits, money, and preferences.
  • Travel - what a good vacation looks like to you.
  • Fears and concerns - how to make simple plans.
  • Appearance, accessories, style, and clothes. 
  • Health problems and dangers at work or study.
  • Social media phrases and common expressions.
English Level

Grammar topics

  • Present Simple for habits and routines.
  • To be - affirmative, negative, and questions.
  • Possessive adjectives - my, your, his, her, etc.
  • Common verbs - do, have, make in sentences.
  • Demonstratives - this/that one; these/those ones.
  • Present Continuous vs. Present Simple comparison.
  • Using Present Continuous for future plans.
  • Object pronouns - me, you, her, him, us, them, whom.
  • Past Simple and its common use.
  • Plans and arrangements using be going to.
  • Determiners - articles, demonstratives, possessives.
  • Conditional sentences - if and when.
  • Providing reasons with to and for.
  • Comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Responsibilities using have to.
  • Making simple predictions.
  • Present Perfect to describe experiences.
  • Comparisons and similarities with be like.
  • Relative pronouns: who, which, that.
  • Present Perfect and Past Simple.
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Classes for A1 English

Promova offers two tutoring programs for online A1 English lessons:
Individual lessons
  1. 1x1 time with a certified tutor who helps you develop an individual learning plan
  2. Direct conversational practice with a native-like speaker
  3. Immediate feedback and correction of your mistakes
  4. Topics and subjects tailored to your personal interests
  5. Flexible schedule with 25-, 50-, and 90-minute lessons
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Group classes
  1. Lessons in friendly groups averaging 3 learners 
of the same level
  2. Focus on teamwork and collaboration during exercises
  3. Lots of conversational practice with fellow 
  4. Pace and program designed for overall group progress
  5. Motivating atmosphere of mutual learning and support
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What are the lessons like

Learn Your Strengths

Your tutor will start by asking questions to learn about you and your goals. Most importantly, they’ll help you figure out what you already know - no learner is a complete blank slate, and your English may be a lot better than you think.

The path from A1 to A2 is all about your foundations. For example, if you have a great visual memory, your tutor will rely on flashcards and presentations to help you learn faster. However, if you’re an auditory learner, your tutor will focus on active listening.

To summarize, while your learning will develop all-around balanced skills, standing on your strengths will help you improve faster.

Know Your Interests

You don’t have to read boring textbooks with outdated scenarios like “how to get to the library?” With access to the web is that you can access all sorts of information you love, in English, at your level.

Likewise, your A1 English course will start from creating an individual plan just for you. It will include your hobbies, job, and learning goals. If you’re into science fiction, video games, TV shows, or sports - your tutor will bring materials tailored to these interests.

Learning English with your favorite stories and characters is just more fun. Moreover, passion will help you conquer the A1 level much faster than textbooks ever could.

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Build a Foundation

Elementary English is all about your foundational skills. Think of it like the roots of a tree. While the plant reaches for the sky, the roots support and hold it in place. Similarly, your basic English skills will help support your speech and build more complex sentences.

To start off, you will need to master simple grammar that will help support your sentences. Then you’ll develop a vocabulary to talk about everyday situations. You’ll also learn to read and listen to understand English better. From there, you can write and speak, expressing your own thoughts. Your tutor will be there every step of the way to guide you on this journey. They’ll provide instructions and motivation to set you up for success.

Meet some of our Elementary English Tutors


4 years of teaching experience; CELTA; I'll be focusing on enhancing your pronunciation and listening skills; I love studying languages: Japanese has been my obsession for the last 5 years.

4 years of teaching experience; CELTA; I'll be focusing on enhancing your pronunciation and listening skills; I love studying languages: Japanese has been my obsession for the last 5 years.

20 years of teaching experience; Certification of English ESOL; ESL Instructor Training; I love taking up new hobbies every year.

20 years of teaching experience; Certification of English ESOL; ESL Instructor Training; I love taking up new hobbies every year.

4 years of teaching experience; 3 years mentoring and coaching experience; TEFL certified; In addition to work, I like listening to podcasts, baking everything sweet.

4 years of teaching experience; 3 years mentoring and coaching experience; TEFL certified; In addition to work, I like listening to podcasts, baking everything sweet.

BA in English teaching and translation; 12 years of teaching experience; I’ll help you to take an IELTS or Cambridge tests; I am learning Italian.

BA in English teaching and translation; 12 years of teaching experience; I’ll help you to take an IELTS or Cambridge tests; I am learning Italian.

TEFL/TESOL; 10 years of teaching experience; I will help you improve your speaking skills; I can speak a bit of Korean.

TEFL/TESOL; 10 years of teaching experience; I will help you improve your speaking skills; I can speak a bit of Korean.

More than 9 years of teaching experience; Cambridge CELTA certified; I’ll help you to take an IELTS or Cambridge tests; In addition to work, I am a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

More than 9 years of teaching experience; Cambridge CELTA certified; I’ll help you to take an IELTS or Cambridge tests; In addition to work, I am a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

More than 11 years of teaching experience; TEFL certified; I’ll help you to gain confidence speaking English to business partners and improve your writing skills; Beside English and Persian, I speak some French and Turkish.

More than 11 years of teaching experience; TEFL certified; I’ll help you to gain confidence speaking English to business partners and improve your writing skills; Beside English and Persian, I speak some French and Turkish.
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Reviews from our learners

LindieTheringMar 20, 2022

I have taken individual lessons on Promova. I really like studying with my teacher. She is an excellent teacher, explains grammar in an accessible way, and competently submits the material. She has interesting interactive lessons. I really like speaking classes with her, since she is a native speaker. I have raised my level from beginner to Basic English Elementary.

Joanna SochaApr 14, 2022

I studied English on my own and realized that I could not master English so quickly. Now I have taken group lessons on Promova and started from the Elementary English lessons. I liked it. I think everything will go smoothly now. The teacher is wonderful and explains everything clearly.


Zorana FowlerMar 2, 2022

I can say that only individual lessons with a tutor are suitable for me. Here you can practice spoken English, discuss various topics, and practice with native speakers. The lessons are all online, so you don't have to go to the other end of the city, and waste a lot of time. After the lesson, you can review and recall the material you have passed.

TiphaineAug 8, 2022

I want to note that the booking of lessons on Promova takes place independently. So you can choose the date and time when it is convenient for you.

There is a first individual free lesson. You can choose the topic of the lesson and the teacher too. It suits me very well. Thanks!

Ueki_KojuroSep 20, 2022

I took Elementary English for adults. In the classroom, we studied English grammar, increased vocabulary, and communicated in the language on various topics. The lessons were held in a friendly, friendly atmosphere. The teacher always answered questions and explained all the incomprehensible points. I really liked this course.

Frequently asked questions

Who is this course for?

This course is primarily for adults who want to improve their English for personal or professional goals. It’s also suitable for young adults planning to study or work abroad. Starting from A1 is an excellent choice if, for example, you learned the language at school long ago and have some scattered knowledge of the structure and common words. English learning at the elementary level builds on your basics and helps focus your studies. Working with a tutor will speed up your progress and create a safe environment to practice and build confidence.

What is Elementary English?

A1 is the starting level of English language proficiency. This is the base amount of knowledge you will need to navigate a foreign environment. If you are Elementary in English, you can build simple sentences, talk about yourself, and understand simple texts and instructions. This level of knowledge will help you not get lost during travel and get your point across during everyday situations abroad.

What are the topics in Elementary English?

In the first lesson, Elementary English language learners answer a few questions to help their tutor understand what they know and need to work on. From there, you will likely move on to learning the verb to be in simple sentences. 

Over time, you will learn pronouns and start building simple sentences about yourself and your family. For information about specific conversational and grammar topics, refer to the "What you'll learn in our Elementary English courses" section.

What is required for A1 English level?

Once you reach A1, you should be able to:

  • Introduce yourself and talk about your life in simple terms.
  • Talk about topics in your immediate interests with basic sentences.
  • Build and pronounce short, grammatically correct sentences.
  • Understand slow, well-articulated speech.
  • Read short factual texts with some help from your tutor.
  • Know common words in structured situations such as at the restaurant.

In short, this level lays the foundation for your future learning.

How can I improve my English Elementary Level?

To grow past the A1 elementary level of English, you must study topics at your level. Here are some suggestions:

  • Read out loud and practice pronunciation. Over time, you’ll start remembering words both visually and by sound.
  • Listen to music and watch videos. Songs often use simple words, so they’re a great place to start. You can also improve your listening with simple videos.
  • Write down notes. Writing works with your muscle memory and turns on different parts of your brain. You’ll retain a lot more if you also review your notes daily.
  • Use Promova. We created an application to help you learn new words and practice grammar. In addition, certified tutors are always happy to help you succeed.

Remember that growing your skills takes time and effort - don’t expect to become fluent overnight. However, it will feel incredible when you start to understand English by ear.