Agree past tense

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Meaning of agree

to have the same opinion or reach the same conclusion through discussion or negotiation.


Word: agree /əˈɡriː/
  • 1. We often agree to disagree on various topics.
  • 2. She agrees that we should start the project next week.
  • 3. He always agrees to help his friends whenever they ask.

Past Simple

Word: agreed /əˈɡriːd/
  • 1. They agreed to meet at the coffee shop at 10 AM.
  • 2. I agreed to help him with his project last weekend.
  • 3. After much discussion, we finally agreed on a holiday destination.

Past Participle

Word: agreed /əˈɡriːd/
  • 1. She has agreed to join us for dinner tonight.
  • 2. The terms had been agreed upon before the meeting started.
  • 3. They have agreed to refund the full amount.

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Bare infinitive

  1. To describe habitual actions or routines involving reaching a consensus or sharing the same opinion.
    Example. We usually agree on where to eat out on weekends.
    Example. They agree that education is key to success.
    Example. To move forward, all parties need to agree on the terms of the contract.
  2. To state facts or general truths about agreements or shared opinions.
    Example. We usually agree on where to eat out on weekends.
    Example. They agree that education is key to success.
    Example. To move forward, all parties need to agree on the terms of the contract.
  3. To give instructions or advice related to the process of reaching an agreement or consensus.
    Example. We usually agree on where to eat out on weekends.
    Example. They agree that education is key to success.
    Example. To move forward, all parties need to agree on the terms of the contract.

Past Simple

  1. To talk about a specific instance in the past when individuals had the same opinion or reached the same conclusion.
    Example. After a long discussion, they finally agreed on a solution.
    Example. We met several times and eventually agreed on the main objectives of the project.
    Example. We used to agree on everything, but now our opinions diverge more often.
  2. To describe a series of events in the past leading to an agreement or shared opinion.
    Example. After a long discussion, they finally agreed on a solution.
    Example. We met several times and eventually agreed on the main objectives of the project.
    Example. We used to agree on everything, but now our opinions diverge more often.
  3. To express a past habit or state of agreement that is no longer current.
    Example. After a long discussion, they finally agreed on a solution.
    Example. We met several times and eventually agreed on the main objectives of the project.
    Example. We used to agree on everything, but now our opinions diverge more often.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect tenses - To talk about actions of agreeing that have happened, with relevance to the present moment or completed at an unspecified time in the past.
    Example. It was agreed by the committee that the proposal would be accepted.
  2. Example (Present Perfect). They have agreed to meet next week to finalize the plans.
    Example. It was agreed by the committee that the proposal would be accepted.
  3. Example (Past Perfect). By the time the meeting started, the team had already agreed on the agenda.
    Example. It was agreed by the committee that the proposal would be accepted.
  4. Passive voice - To describe situations where the focus is on the decision or conclusion reached, rather than who reached it.
    Example. It was agreed by the committee that the proposal would be accepted.

Common mistakes

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Misapplying the tense

A common mistake is treating 'agree' as if it were an irregular verb and creating nonexistent past forms. Learners might mistakenly attempt to modify the verb more than necessary due to their experiences with irregular verbs, thinking there is a unique past participle form different from 'agreed.'

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Incorrect pronunciation

Although 'agreed' is correctly pronounced /əˈɡriːd/, some learners might mispronounce the past tense by placing undue stress on different syllables or altering the vowel sound, perhaps pronouncing it more like 'agreed' with a hard 'g' sound or changing the vowel sound, not realizing that the pronunciation remains consistent with the base verb.

— 03

Overcomplicating tense

Learners might overuse 'had agreed' (past perfect) instead of the simpler 'agreed' (simple past) due to misunderstanding the nuances of English tense usage. For instance, saying 'I had agreed to go before I knew the date' when the context doesn't require the past perfect tense, which should be used to denote an action that happened before another past action. This mistake stems from the challenge of understanding when to use simple past versus past perfect tense in English, leading to unnecessarily complex sentence constructions.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the past simple and past participle forms of 'agree'?

The past simple form of 'agree' is 'agreed.' This form is used to describe actions or situations that happened at a specific time in the past. The past participle form is also 'agreed,' which is used in perfect tense constructions to talk about actions that have an impact on the present or were completed at an unspecified time in the past.

How do you use 'agreed' in a past simple sentence?

When using 'agreed' in a past simple sentence, you're talking about a decision or agreement that was made at a specific point in the past. For example. 'We agreed to meet at the cafe last Saturday.' 'They agreed that the proposal was the best option at the meeting.' In each case, the action of agreeing happened at a known time in the past.

How is 'agreed' used as a past participle in a sentence?

As a past participle, 'agreed' is often used with auxiliary verbs to form perfect tenses. It can describe actions or agreements that have relevance to the present moment or were completed at an unspecified time in the past. For example. Present Perfect. 'I have agreed to their terms.' Past Perfect. 'By the time the meeting started, they had already agreed on the main points.' In these sentences, 'agreed' helps indicate the completion of an action in relation to another time or action.

Can 'agreed' be used in passive voice constructions?

Yes, 'agreed' can be used in passive voice constructions, typically in its past participle form. In passive voice, the focus is on the action or the object of the action rather than who performed the action. For example. 'It was agreed that the project would be postponed.' 'The terms were agreed upon by both parties.' In these examples, the use of 'agreed' in passive voice shifts the focus onto the action of agreeing and the subject matter of the agreement, rather than on who agreed.