Shake-hands past tense

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Meaning of shake-hands

to greet someone by clasping each other's hands and moving them slightly up and down.


Word: shake /ʃeɪk/
  • 1. When they meet for the first time, people often shake hands as a greeting.
  • 2. It's common etiquette to shake hands before starting a business meeting.
  • 3. In many cultures, friends don't shake hands; they hug or wave instead.

Past Simple

Word: shook hands /ʃʊk hændz/
  • 1. They shook hands after finalizing the agreement, sealing the deal with mutual respect.
  • 2. After winning the match, the two competitors shook hands, showing good sportsmanship despite their rivalry.
  • 3. Upon their arrival at the meeting, they immediately shook hands, acknowledging each other's presence courteously.

Past Participle

Word: hand-shaken /ˌhænd ˈʃeɪkən/ or shaken hands /ˈʃeɪkən ˌhændz/
  • 1. The agreement had been sealed as hands were shaken between the two company leaders.
  • 2. By the end of the meeting, hands had been shaken, signifying a new partnership.
  • 3. Hands were shaken all around, indicating that the deal had been successfully concluded.

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Bare infinitive

  1. Habitual Actions When describing actions that happen regularly or are part of a routine.
    Example. We shake hands whenever we meet. General Truths To express facts that are always true.

Past Simple

  1. Completed Actions in the Past To talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past and are now finished.
    Example. They shook hands after signing the agreement. A Sequence of Actions in the Past When narrating events that happened one after another in the past.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect Tenses.
  2. Present Perfect To describe actions that happened at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue to the present. Example (Present Perfect). They have shaken hands on many deals over the years. Past Perfect To discuss an action that was completed before another event took place in the past. Example (Past Perfect). They had already shaken hands when I arrived. Future Perfect To say that something will be finished by a certain point in the future. Example (Future Perfect). By the end of the day, they will have shaken hands on the agreement. Passive Voice When the focus is on the action or the object of the sentence, not who is performing the action.
    Example. A formal agreement was sealed, and hands were shaken in front of the media.

Common mistakes

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Incorrect Past Simple

One common mistake involves misusing the verb form for the past simple tense of 'shake,' which is 'shook.' Instead of correctly saying, 'They shook hands when they met,' individuals might incorrectly use the base form 'shake,' saying, 'They shake hands when they met.' This error disrupts the tense consistency in the sentence, leading to confusion about the timing of the action.

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Misuse of Past Participle

Another frequent error is the misuse of the past participle form of 'shake,' which is 'shaken.' This form should be used with auxiliary verbs to construct perfect tenses. However, some might mistakenly use the simple past form 'shook' in its place or even misuse the base form 'shake.' For instance, saying, 'They have shook hands' instead of the correct 'They have shaken hands.' This mistake alters the grammatical structure and meaning, suggesting an incorrect completion of the action in relation to the present.

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Confusing Forms

The third common mistake is confusing when to use the past simple form 'shook' and the past participle form 'shaken.' This confusion often leads to incorrect sentence constructions, especially in perfect tenses and passive voice. For example, saying, 'The hands was shook by them' instead of the correct 'The hands were shaken by them.' Such errors not only reflect a misunderstanding of verb tense usage but also affect the sentence's clarity and grammatical correctness.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the past simple form of 'shake hands'?

The past simple form of 'shake hands' is 'shook hands.' This form is used to describe an action that was completed in the past. For example, 'They shook hands after agreeing to the deal.'

How is the past participle form of 'shake hands' used?

The past participle form of 'shake hands' is 'shaken hands.' It is typically used with auxiliary verbs to form perfect tenses. For example, in the sentence 'They had already shaken hands by the time I arrived,' 'had shaken hands' is in the past perfect tense, indicating an action completed before another past action.

Can you give an example sentence using 'shake hands' in the past simple tense?

Certainly! An example sentence using 'shake hands' in the past simple tense would be. 'After the match, the two players shook hands and smiled.' This sentence indicates that the action of shaking hands occurred in the past, specifically after a match.

How can I use 'shake hands' in a sentence with the past participle form?

To use 'shake hands' in a sentence with its past participle form, you can incorporate it into perfect tenses. For example, in the present perfect tense. 'We have shaken hands on many deals over the years.' This sentence suggests that the action of shaking hands on deals has occurred at various times in the past, leading up to the present.