Speedrun past tense

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Meaning of speedrun

to complete a video game as quickly as possible, often with the goal of setting a record time.


Word: speedrun /ˈspiːdˌrʌn/
  • 1. Many gamers aim to speedrun their favorite video games to challenge themselves and set new records.
  • 2. He tries to speedrun every new game he plays as a personal goal.
  • 3. They speedrun the game in under an hour, showcasing incredible skill and strategy.

Past Simple

Word: speedran /ˈspiːd.ræn/
  • 1. Yesterday, she speedran the latest level of the game in record time, surprising everyone with her skills.
  • 2. He speedran the entire course last weekend, setting a new personal best.
  • 3. They speedran the puzzle challenge, finishing it faster than any team before them.

Past Participle

Word: speedrun /ˈspiːd.ran/
  • 1. The game was speedrun in just under two hours.
  • 2. By noon, the challenge had already been speedrun multiple times.
  • 3. The level has been speedrun using a new strategy discovered yesterday.

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Bare infinitive

  1. Routine or Habitual Actions
    Example. I speedrun Mario games every weekend.

Past Simple

  1. Completed Actions in the Past
    Example. Yesterday, I speedran a new game for the first time.
    Example. He speedran video games every day after school.
    Example. I finished my homework, then I speedran a game.
  2. Past Habit or Routine
    Example. Yesterday, I speedran a new game for the first time.
    Example. He speedran video games every day after school.
    Example. I finished my homework, then I speedran a game.
  3. Sequential Actions in the Past
    Example. Yesterday, I speedran a new game for the first time.
    Example. He speedran video games every day after school.
    Example. I finished my homework, then I speedran a game.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect Tenses
    Example. I have already speedrun that game.
    Example. I had speedrun over 10 games before I turned 1
    Example. By next year, I will have speedrun all levels.
    Example. The game was speedrun in under an hour by the professional player.
  2. Present Perfect. Actions that occurred at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important.
    Example. I have already speedrun that game.
    Example. I had speedrun over 10 games before I turned 1
    Example. By next year, I will have speedrun all levels.
    Example. The game was speedrun in under an hour by the professional player.
  3. Past Perfect. Actions that were completed before some other action or time in the past.
    Example. I have already speedrun that game.
    Example. I had speedrun over 10 games before I turned 1
    Example. By next year, I will have speedrun all levels.
    Example. The game was speedrun in under an hour by the professional player.
  4. Future Perfect. Indicates an action that will have been completed at some point in the future.
    Example. I have already speedrun that game.
    Example. I had speedrun over 10 games before I turned 1
    Example. By next year, I will have speedrun all levels.
    Example. The game was speedrun in under an hour by the professional player.
  5. Passive Voice To describe an action that was done to the subject rather than the subject doing the action.
    Example. I have already speedrun that game.
    Example. I had speedrun over 10 games before I turned 1
    Example. By next year, I will have speedrun all levels.
    Example. The game was speedrun in under an hour by the professional player.

Common mistakes

— 01

Incorrect Conjugation

A common mistake is applying regular verb conjugation rules to 'speedrun,' treating it like a regular verb by adding -ed for both its past simple and past participle forms (e.g., 'speedruned'). The correct past simple form is 'speedran,' and the past participle form is 'speedrun.' This error stems from the assumption that all English verbs follow the same pattern for past tense and past participle forms, which is not the case for irregular verbs like 'speedrun.'

— 02

Confusing forms

Another mistake involves using the past simple form 'speedran' when the past participle form 'speedrun' is needed, and vice versa. This typically occurs in perfect tenses or passive voice constructions, where the past participle form is required. For example, incorrectly saying 'I have speedran the game' instead of the correct 'I have speedrun the game.' Understanding the distinct roles of past simple and past participle forms in different tenses and constructions is crucial to avoid this mistake.

— 03

Misusing Past Participle

A further common error is using the past participle form 'speedrun' on its own as the main verb in a sentence, without the auxiliary verbs that are necessary for forming perfect tenses or passive voice. For instance, saying 'I speedrun the game last week' instead of correctly stating 'I speedran the game last week' for past simple or 'I have speedrun the game' for present perfect tense. This mistake often arises from not recognizing that the past participle form is typically used in compound verb constructions and requires an auxiliary verb like 'have' or 'had.'

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Frequently asked questions

What is the past simple form of 'speedrun'?

The past simple form of 'speedrun' is 'speedran.' This form is used to describe an action that was completed in the past. For example, you might say, 'I speedran the game last night.'

How do you use the past participle form of 'speedrun'?

The past participle form of 'speedrun' is 'speedrun.' It's the same as the base form, which might seem unusual but occurs with some irregular verbs or newly coined terms. This form is used with auxiliary verbs to form perfect tenses. For example, in the present perfect tense, you might say, 'I have speedrun the game three times.'

Can you provide an example of 'speedran' and 'speedrun' in sentences?

Sure! Here are two examples illustrating the use of both forms. Past Simple. 'She speedran the latest platformer in under two hours.' Past Participle. 'They have speedrun every major release this year.' These sentences show how each form is used to talk about completed actions, either in a specific past time frame or before the present moment without specifying when. Is it common to see variations in the use of 'speedrun' in its past forms