Wonder past tense

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Meaning of wonder

to feel curiosity or doubt.


Word: wonder /ˈwʌndər/
  • 1. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
  • 2. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.
  • 3. They wonder about the possibilities of life on other planets.

Past Simple

Word: wondered /ˈwʌn.dərd/
  • 1. I wondered why the sky was so clear that night.
  • 2. She wondered aloud about the outcome of the game.
  • 3. They wondered how long the meeting would last.

Past Participle

Word: wondered /ˈwʌn.dərd/
  • 1. The ancient ruins had long been wondered about by historians and archaeologists alike.
  • 2. The mysterious message was wondered at by everyone who read it.
  • 3. The reason behind the sudden change in weather was wondered upon by the whole village.

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Bare infinitive

  1. Habitual actions or general truths
    Example. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
    Example. The conference wonders about the future of technology next week.
    Example. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.
  2. When discussing habits or routines, or stating general truths.
    Example. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
    Example. The conference wonders about the future of technology next week.
    Example. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.
  3. Fixed arrangements or scheduled events (in the relatively near future)
    Example. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
    Example. The conference wonders about the future of technology next week.
    Example. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.
  4. When referring to scheduled events, especially in formal contexts like timetables or itineraries.
    Example. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
    Example. The conference wonders about the future of technology next week.
    Example. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.
  5. Expressing feelings, thoughts, and emotions in a present or general context
    Example. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
    Example. The conference wonders about the future of technology next week.
    Example. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.
  6. When describing current emotions, thoughts, or states of mind.
    Example. I often wonder why the sky is blue.
    Example. The conference wonders about the future of technology next week.
    Example. She wonders if her friends will join her for dinner.

Past Simple

  1. Completed actions in the past
    Example. They wondered about the mysterious sounds in the forest last night.
    Example. We wondered about the stars every night when we were kids.
    Example. I wondered why she was so quiet yesterday.
  2. When talking about actions that were completed at a specific time in the past.
    Example. They wondered about the mysterious sounds in the forest last night.
    Example. We wondered about the stars every night when we were kids.
    Example. I wondered why she was so quiet yesterday.
  3. Habitual actions in the past
    Example. They wondered about the mysterious sounds in the forest last night.
    Example. We wondered about the stars every night when we were kids.
    Example. I wondered why she was so quiet yesterday.
  4. When referring to regular actions or habits that happened in the past but not anymore.
    Example. They wondered about the mysterious sounds in the forest last night.
    Example. We wondered about the stars every night when we were kids.
    Example. I wondered why she was so quiet yesterday.
  5. Past states or situations
    Example. They wondered about the mysterious sounds in the forest last night.
    Example. We wondered about the stars every night when we were kids.
    Example. I wondered why she was so quiet yesterday.
  6. When discussing states, situations, or feelings that were true in the past.
    Example. They wondered about the mysterious sounds in the forest last night.
    Example. We wondered about the stars every night when we were kids.
    Example. I wondered why she was so quiet yesterday.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect tenses
    Example. I have often wondered about the origin of the universe.
    Example. By the time she arrived, we had already wondered about the best course of action.
    Example. By next year, I will have wondered about this question for a decade.
    Example. It was wondered by many if the project would ever be completed.
  2. Present Perfect. Use case when talking about an action that occurred at an unspecified time in the past or an action that has relevance to the present moment.
    Example. I have often wondered about the origin of the universe.
    Example. By the time she arrived, we had already wondered about the best course of action.
    Example. By next year, I will have wondered about this question for a decade.
    Example. It was wondered by many if the project would ever be completed.
  3. Past Perfect. Use case when discussing an action that was completed before another action or time in the past.
    Example. I have often wondered about the origin of the universe.
    Example. By the time she arrived, we had already wondered about the best course of action.
    Example. By next year, I will have wondered about this question for a decade.
    Example. It was wondered by many if the project would ever be completed.
  4. Future Perfect. Use case when talking about an action that will have been completed by a certain future time.
    Example. I have often wondered about the origin of the universe.
    Example. By the time she arrived, we had already wondered about the best course of action.
    Example. By next year, I will have wondered about this question for a decade.
    Example. It was wondered by many if the project would ever be completed.
  5. Passive voice
    Example. I have often wondered about the origin of the universe.
    Example. By the time she arrived, we had already wondered about the best course of action.
    Example. By next year, I will have wondered about this question for a decade.
    Example. It was wondered by many if the project would ever be completed.
  6. When the action is more important than who or what is performing the action, or when the performer is unknown or unspecified.
    Example. I have often wondered about the origin of the universe.
    Example. By the time she arrived, we had already wondered about the best course of action.
    Example. By next year, I will have wondered about this question for a decade.
    Example. It was wondered by many if the project would ever be completed.

Common mistakes

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Confusing Forms

One of the most common mistakes with the word 'wonder' is confusing its past simple form, 'wondered,' with its past participle form, which is also 'wondered.' While both forms are spelled the same, their usage differs significantly in sentence structure. The past simple form is used to describe an action that happened at a specific time in the past, e.g., 'I wondered why the sky is blue.' In contrast, the past participle form is often used in perfect tenses and passive voice constructions, e.g., 'I have always wondered about that.'

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Incorrect Use in Perfect Tenses

Another mistake involves incorrectly using 'wonder' in perfect tense constructions. Some may mistakenly conjugate 'wonder' as if it has an irregular past participle form, similar to verbs like 'run' (ran, run) or 'write' (wrote, written), leading to incorrect sentences. The correct usage, however, always uses 'wondered' for both the past simple and past participle forms, as in 'I have wondered about that for years.'

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Misapplication in Passive Voice

A less common but notable mistake is misapplying 'wonder' in passive voice constructions. Given 'wonder' is not typically an action directed at an object or person, its use in passive voice is rare and often incorrect. A mistaken attempt might look like 'The mystery was wondered by everyone,' which is awkward and incorrect. The appropriate construction would avoid passive voice, such as 'Everyone wondered about the mystery.'

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Frequently asked questions

What is the past simple form of 'wonder'?

The past simple form of 'wonder' is 'wondered.' This form is used to describe an action or a state of curiosity that occurred at a specific time in the past. For example, 'Yesterday, I wondered why the sky is blue.'

What is the past participle form of 'wonder'?

The past participle form of 'wonder' is also 'wondered.' This form is used in perfect tenses and passive voice to indicate an action or state that has been completed in the past. For example, 'By the end of the lecture, I had wondered about several different theories.'

How do I use 'wondered' in a sentence to express a past action?

To express a past action using 'wondered,' you should focus on a specific time in the past when the action of wondering took place. For instance, 'I wondered about the outcome of the game while watching it last night.' This sentence indicates that at a specific time (last night), the speaker was curious about the game's outcome.

Can 'wondered' be used in a sentence without specifying the time?

Yes, 'wondered' can be used without explicitly specifying the time, especially when the context makes the timing clear or when the exact timing is not crucial to the meaning. For example, 'As a child, I often wondered about the stars.' In this sentence, 'as a child' provides a general timeframe, but the exact moment of wondering is not specified, focusing instead on the habitual action of wondering during childhood.