Expect vs Hope
What’s the difference between them?

to look forward to or anticipate something.
1. I expect the meeting to last no more than an hour.
2. I don't expect you to understand the complex mathematics.
3. You can expect better results if you put in more effort.
A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
1. I hope you have a safe journey.
2. We hope that everyone can stay healthy during this time.
3. I'm hoping for the best outcome.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Anticipate
2. Look forward to
3. Foresee
4. Contemplate
5. Be hopeful of
1. Anticipate
2. Reject
3. Disregard
4. Disbelieve
5. Refuse to accept
1. Desire
2. Wish
3. Expectation
4. Optimism
5. Anticipation
1. Despair
2. Pessimism
3. Despondency
4. Gloom
5. Misery
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Expect", "Hope".

1. Expect is a stronger word than hope, meaning that something is likely to happen while hope is more of a desire that something will happen.
2. When you're trying to decide between the two words, think about how certain you are that something will happen. If you're sure, use the word 'expect'.
3. Think about the context of the phrase or sentence. If there is a hint of doubt, use the word 'hope'.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
Expect is used when you think something is going to happen. It implies that you are confident that the outcome will occur.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
Hope is used when you want something to occur but can't be sure it will. It is a desire for a particular outcome, but with an awareness of the uncertainty of its occurrence.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, expect and hope are pronounced differently. Expect is pronounced /ekspekt/ while hope is pronounced /hoʊp/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
A common mistake is to use the two words interchangeably, when they actually have quite different meanings. Another mistake is to use expect when hoping is more appropriate, as this can convey a sense of certainty that may not actually exist.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I ___________ to hear from you soon, but I cant ___________ for certain.
2. Im not sure what the future holds, but I ___________ for the best.
3. He said he would be on time, so I ___________ him to arrive soon.
4. ___________ for something to happen, but dont be disappointed if it doesnt.
5. We ___________ the results to be positive, but you never know.
6. I ___________ to see a great performance, but Im trying to keep my expectations realistic.
1. Expect, Hope
Explanation: Expecting implies that one is anticipating a certain outcome, that they are expecting to hear from someone soon. Hoping implies that they wish for something to happen, but may not be certain that it will.
2. Hope
Explanation: Hope implies wishing for something to happen, with an optimistic outlook.
3. Expect
Explanation: Expecting implies more certainty than hoping, as one is anticipating a certain outcome.
4. Hope
Explanation: Hope implies wishing for something to happen, with an optimistic outlook.
5. Hope
Explanation: Hope implies wishing for something to happen, with an optimistic outlook.
6. Hope
Explanation: Hope implies wishing for something to happen, with an optimistic outlook.
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