What part of speech is “clear”

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as a noun, 'clear' is less commonly used but can refer to a clear space or area, or the act of clearing.

Once we get past the forest, we'll reach the clear.

After a thorough clear of the attic, we found the old photographs.

The pilot waited for a clear to land the plane.

the noun form of 'clear' is less common than its other forms and might be more familiar in specific contexts, like in describing an open space in a forest.


as an adjective, 'clear' describes something that is easy to perceive, understand, or free from obstructions. It can also refer to something transparent or unclouded.

The water was so clear that you could see all the way to the bottom.

Her instructions were clear and easy to follow.

We have a clear view of the mountains from our window.

'Clear' can also describe a sound that is easily audible and free from interference, as in a 'clear voice.' It can also refer to a situation or matter that is free from doubt or confusion.


as a verb, 'clear' means to remove obstructions or unwanted items, to become free of something, or to gain approval or authorization.

Can you clear the table after dinner?

The sky will clear up by the afternoon.

The proposal cleared all the necessary regulatory hurdles.

'clear out' is a phrasal verb that means to leave a place quickly or to empty a space of its contents. 'Clear up' can mean to resolve a misunderstanding or for weather to become sunny after being cloudy or rainy.


as an adverb, 'clear' is used to emphasize the completeness of an action or the entirety of a distance.

He jumped clear over the fence.

The ball went clear across the field.

She stood clear of the closing doors.

the adverbial form of 'clear' emphasizes a complete separation or distinction.

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