Steal vs Steel
What’s the difference between them?

To take (another's property) without permission or legal right, especially using force or intimidation.
1. He was caught trying to steal a car.
2. She was accused of stealing money from the office.
3. He was arrested for stealing jewelry from a store.
A strong, hard, durable alloy of iron and carbon, usually containing other elements.
1. The bridge was made from steel for added strength.
2. The swords were forged from steel.
3. The steel walls of the prison were too thick for anyone to escape.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Pilfer
2. Purloin
3. Thieve
4. Pilferage
5. Appropriate Illegally
1. Gift
2. Donate
3. Return
4. Share
5. Bestow
1. Iron
2. Metal
3. Alloy
4. Reinforced
5. Hardened Strength
1. Soft
2. Weak
3. Fragile
4. Brittle
5. Delicate
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Steal", "Steel".

1. Think of 'steal' as taking something away, and 'steel' as a strong material.
2. Make a note of the two words and their definitions, and use it as a reference.
3. Think of the phrase 'the thief steals a bar of steel' to help you remember the difference between 'steal' and 'steel'.
4. Picture a criminal stealing a metal bar to help you remember that 'steal' has two 'e's and 'steel' has one.
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'steal' be used?
The word 'steal' typically refers to taking something without permission or without intending to pay or return it. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as stealing someone's idea or stealing a glance.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'steel'?
The word 'steel' is a noun that refers to a strong, malleable alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon. It is often used to refer to manufactured items made of the alloy, such as steel beams or steel tools.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to the context to use the correct word.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people often make when using these words is confusing the spelling of 'steal' and 'steel'. Another mistake people make is using the incorrect word for a particular context, such as using 'steal' to refer to a manufactured item made of steel.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The criminal was apprehended for trying to ____ jewelry from the store.
2. The bridge was constructed with reinforced ____ beams for added durability.
3. In the wild, some animals ____ food from their rivals.
4. The supply of raw ____ is essential for making various products.
5. The painting was protected with a thick sheet of ____.
6. I saw a suspicious character lurking around; I think he was about to ____ something.
1. Steal
Explanation: To take without permission, usually with the intention of depriving the rightful owner of their property. This matches the sentence, which is about the criminal trying to take something that is not theirs.
2. Steel
Explanation: Strong, hard metal alloy made of iron and other elements such as carbon, which makes it suitable for construction purposes. This matches the sentence, which is about the bridge being constructed with strong metal beams.
3. Steal
Explanation: To take without permission, usually with the intention of depriving the rightful owner of their property. This matches the sentence, which is about animals taking food from their rivals without permission.
4. Steel
Explanation: Strong, hard metal alloy made of iron and other elements such as carbon, which makes it suitable for manufacturing purposes. This matches the sentence, which is about the supply of raw steel being essential for making various products.
5. Steel
Explanation: Strong, hard metal alloy made of iron and other elements such as carbon, which makes it suitable for protective purposes. This matches the sentence, which is about the painting being protected with a thick sheet of steel.
6. Steal
Explanation: To take without permission, usually with the intention of depriving the rightful owner of their property. This matches the sentence, which is about the suspicious character lurking around and being about to take something without permission.
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