What is synonyms for aesthetically pleasing

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aesthetically pleasing

/ˌɛsθəˈtɪkli ˈpliːzɪŋ/

Refers to something that is visually beautiful or appealing.

Synonyms of aesthetically pleasing


Strongest matches:

- beautiful

- attractive

- gorgeous

- stunning

- lovely

Weak matches:

- pretty

- nice-looking

- appealing

- pleasing

- comely


ugly, unattractive, displeasing, unsightly, unappealing

Usage examples:

1. The architect's new design for the city park was aesthetically pleasing.

2. After adding some colorful throw pillows, the living room became more aesthetically pleasing.

3. The website's redesign focused on creating an aesthetically pleasing interface.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another word for 'aesthetically pleasing' that implies a sense of sophistication?

'Elegant' is a synonym that suggests a refined, graceful, and stylish quality, often associated with sophistication and good taste.

Is there a synonym for 'aesthetically pleasing' that emphasizes a more modern or contemporary appeal?

'Chic' is often used to describe something that is stylish and fashionable in a modern or contemporary way, indicating it is aesthetically pleasing in a current context.

What term can I use instead of 'aesthetically pleasing' when I want to express a natural, unrefined beauty?

'Picturesque' is a suitable synonym that captures the essence of scenic, charming, and naturally beautiful without the connotations of being polished or refined.

What word describes something as aesthetically pleasing and evokes comfort?

'Inviting' is a great alternative that conveys a sense of warmth, comfort, and appeal, suggesting an environment or object is welcoming and aesthetically pleasing in a cozy manner.