What is synonyms for knowledge

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The fact or condition of being aware of something with familiarity gained through experience or association.

Synonyms of knowledge


As in understanding, insight

Strongest matches:

- comprehension

- grasp

- awareness

- understanding

- insight

Weak matches:

- cognition

- perception

- apprehension


As in information, learning

Strongest matches:

- education

- learning

- erudition

- scholarship

Weak matches:

- information

- data

- intelligence


unawareness, inexperience, misunderstanding

Usage examples:

1. Her extensive knowledge on medieval history made her the perfect candidate to lead the museum's new exhibit.

2. In the rapidly evolving tech industry, staying ahead requires a commitment to continuous learning and updating one's knowledge base.

3. The ancient library was believed to house scrolls that contained knowledge lost to time.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a commonly used synonym for 'knowledge' that implies practical or hands-on experience?

Expertise is a popular synonym that emphasizes practical skills or knowledge in a specific area, suggesting a deep understanding gained through experience or study.

Which synonym for 'knowledge' is best suited to describe a broad and comprehensive understanding of various subjects?

Erudition is an ideal term for this context. It refers to having extensive knowledge or learning, especially in relation to literature, history, and other scholarly subjects, indicating a deep, wide-ranging intellectual understanding.

Is there a synonym for 'knowledge' that specifically denotes factual information or data?

Information is the synonym that closely matches this description. It refers to facts or data acquired through study, experience, or instruction, focusing on the factual content rather than the understanding or skills derived from it.

What term can be used as a synonym for 'knowledge' that emphasizes awareness or familiarity?

Acquaintance can be used in this context. It signifies a person's awareness or familiarity with a subject, area, or fact, typically resulting from personal experience or direct contact, rather than deep or comprehensive understanding.