What is synonyms for based off of

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based off of

/bæst ɒf ʌv/

A set of principles or standards by which something is judged or based on.

Synonyms of based off of


Strongest matches:

- derived from

- inspired by

- built on

- built upon

- originating from

- rooted in

Weak matches:

- influenced by

- modeled after

- adapted from

- referenced from

- developed from


unfounded, substantiated, justified, supported, confirmed, validated

Usage examples:

1. The new marketing strategy was developed based off of feedback from most loyal customers.

2. The movie was based off of a best-selling novel that captivated readers worldwide.

3. The chef created a unique dish based off of traditional recipes but added his own modern twist.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative phrases I can use instead of 'based off of'?

You can use phrases like 'derived from,' 'inspired by,' 'stemming from,' or 'built upon' as alternatives to 'based off of.' These phrases offer a similar meaning and can be used in various contexts to indicate that something originates from or is influenced by another source.

Is it appropriate to use 'founded on' as a synonym for 'based off of' in academic writing?

Yes, 'founded on' can be an appropriate synonym for 'based off of' in academic writing. It implies that the work or argument is established upon certain principles, theories, or facts. However, ensure that the context is suitable, as 'founded on' may carry a slightly more formal or foundational connotation.

Can 'grounded in' be used interchangeably with 'based off of'?

Absolutely, 'grounded in' can be used interchangeably with 'based off of' in many contexts. It suggests that something is rooted or established in a particular theory, idea, or fact. 'Grounded in' is especially useful when you want to emphasize a strong foundation or rationale behind something.

What is a more casual way to say 'based off of' that could be used in everyday conversation?

In everyday conversation, phrases like 'comes from,' 'inspired by,' or even 'taken from' can serve as more casual alternatives to 'based off of.' These phrases are widely understood and can easily fit into informal dialogue, making them great options for casual discussions.