What is synonyms for as such

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as such

/as sʌtʃ/

In the exact sense of the word or term; intrinsically.

Synonyms of as such


As a consequence of something

Strongest matches:

- therefore

- consequently

- thus

- hence

- as a result

Weak matches:

- accordingly

- so

- for that reason

- in turn

- as a consequence


As in indicating 'in that manner' or 'thereby'

Strongest matches:

- per se

- intrinsically

- inherently

Weak matches:

- essentially

- fundamentally

- in and of itself


Strongest matches:

- therefore

- thus

Weak matches:

- hence

- consequently


Strongest matches:

- as

- in that/this capacity

Weak matches:

- qua


excluding, except for, apart from, other than, but not, unlike, excepting

Usage examples:

1. After reviewing the document, she realized it did not meet the required standards and, as such, needed significant revisions before submission.

2. The creature found in the forest was not previously known to science, and as such, it sparked immense interest among researchers worldwide.

3. 'he project was behind schedule; as such, the team decided to work overtime to meet the deadline.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some synonyms for 'as such' in formal writing?

In formal writing, synonyms for 'as such' include 'therefore,' 'consequently,' 'thus,' and 'hence.'

Can 'as such' be replaced by 'in this capacity'?

Yes, 'in this capacity' can sometimes be used as a synonym for 'as such,' particularly when referring to someone's role or function.

Are 'as a result' and 'as such' interchangeable?

Yes, 'as a result' is a synonym for 'as such' and can be used to indicate the outcome or consequence of a preceding statement.

How do 'accordingly' and 'as such' differ in usage?

Both 'accordingly' and 'as such' can indicate a conclusion or result, but 'accordingly' often implies a response to a situation, while 'as such' directly ties the conclusion to the preceding statement.