What is synonyms for on another note

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on another note

/ɒn əˈnʌðər noʊt/

Used to introduce a different or unrelated topic.

Synonyms of on another note


Strongest matches:

- alternatively

- conversely

Weak matches:

- instead

- differently

- on the flip side


Strongest matches:

- however

- nonetheless

Weak matches:

- though

- nevertheless


Strongest matches:

- in another vein

- from another perspective

Weak matches:

- looking at it another way

- shifting gears


and, furthermore, moreover, also, besides, further, in addition, likewise, plus

Usage examples:

1. On another note, the meeting tomorrow will cover the quarterly budget forecasts.

2. On another note, did everyone see the beautiful sunset yesterday?

3. On another note, I heard the company is planning a team-building retreat next month.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative phrases to 'on another note' that can be used in a conversation?

Some alternative phrases are 'in a different vein,' 'switching gears,' 'on a different subject,' and 'moving on'.

Can 'changing the subject' be used interchangeably with 'on another note'?

Yes, 'changing the subject' can often be used interchangeably with 'on another note.' Both phrases indicate a transition to a different topic, though 'changing the subject' might imply a more deliberate avoidance of the previous topic.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'on another note' suitable for written reports or professional emails?

Yes, in more formal contexts, you might use 'furthermore,' 'additionally,' 'conversely,' and 'on a related note'.

What is a succinct way to transition to an unrelated topic in a speech or presentation, similar to 'on another note'?

In speeches or presentations, succinct transitions like 'let's pivot,' 'turning to,' or 'next,' can effectively move the audience to an unrelated topic in a manner similar to 'on another note.'