What is synonyms for as well as

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as well as

/əz wɛl əz/

In addition to or along with.

Synonyms of as well as


Strongest matches:

- in addition to

- along with

- together with

- and

- also

Weak matches:

- plus

- not to mention


Strongest matches:

- besides

- including

Weak matches:

- alongside


excluding, without, apart from, minus, save for

Usage examples:

1. During the dinner party, Sarah prepared a variety of vegan dishes as well as a few gluten-free options.

2. The summer camp offers traditional activities like hiking and swimming, as well as unique experiences such as archery and rock climbing.

3. The company announced its plans to expand its product line to include not only its bestselling smartphones but also smart home devices as well as wearable technology.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'as well as' that can be used in academic writing?

A more formal synonym for 'as well as' suitable for academic writing is 'in addition to.' This phrase is used to introduce an additional point or fact that supports the writer's argument or narrative.

Is there a concise synonym for 'as well as' that can be used in casual conversation?

Yes, 'plus' serves as a concise and informal synonym for 'as well as.' It is commonly used in casual conversation to add information in a straightforward manner.

Can 'alongside' be used interchangeably with 'as well as' in all contexts?

'Alongside' can be used as a synonym for 'as well as' in many contexts, especially when referring to things or people being together or happening at the same time. However, it's not always interchangeable, particularly in contexts where 'as well as' implies an addition to a list rather than a physical or metaphorical side-by-side arrangement.

What synonym for 'as well as' is best suited for listing items in a series?

'Together with' is an excellent synonym for 'as well as' when listing items in a series. It emphasizes the inclusion of all listed items, making it clear that each item is equally important in the context of the list.