What is synonyms for similar

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Having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical.

Synonyms of similar


Strongest matches:

- alike

- comparable

- analogous

Weak matches:

- resembling

- corresponding

- homogeneous


Strongest matches:

- similarly

Weak matches:

- likewise

- correspondingly


Strongest matches:

- analogue

- equivalent

Weak matches:

- counterpart

- facsimile


different, unlike, dissimilar, divergent, contrasting, distinct, opposite, disparate

Usage examples:

1. After looking at the two paintings for a while, she concluded that their styles were quite similar.

2. The twins had similar tastes in music, often attending concerts together and sharing playlists.

3. In preparing for the chemistry exam, he noticed that the structure of the molecules he was studying was similar to others he had learned about.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'similar' that I could use in academic writing?

In academic writing, 'analogous' is a more formal synonym for 'similar' that can be used to describe things that are comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the comparisons being made.

Is there a synonym for 'similar' that specifically implies almost identical, but not quite?

Yes, 'akin' implies a strong similarity or close relationship between two entities, suggesting they are almost identical but with slight differences. Another word that conveys a very close similarity is 'resembling.'

What synonym for 'similar' can I use when referring to ideas or concepts rather than physical objects?

'Parallel' is a suitable synonym when referring to ideas or concepts. It suggests that two or more ideas or concepts are not only similar but also share comparable paths, patterns, or tendencies.

Is there a synonym for 'similar' that also implies a shared origin or source?

'Related' is an excellent synonym for 'similar' when you want to imply that the items in question share a common origin, source, or background. It highlights not just the similarity but also a connection or relationship that stems from their shared lineage or context.