What is synonyms for better

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Of superior quality or excellence.

Synonyms of better


As in improvement or superiority

Strongest matches:

- superior

- improved

- enhanced

- advanced

- upgraded

Weak matches:

- finer

- better-quality

- higher-quality

- preferable

- more desirable


As in health

Strongest matches:

- healthier

- fitter

- stronger

- recovered

- healed

Weak matches:

- recuperating

- improving

- mending

- convalescing

- rallying


worse, inferior, lesser, poorer, lower

Usage examples:

1. After practicing for weeks, her performance on the violin was significantly better than her first recital.

2. To ensure a better understanding of the complex topic, the professor provided additional resources.

3. Drinking more water and getting adequate sleep are simple steps toward a better lifestyle.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'better' that implies a significant improvement?

A common synonym that suggests a significant improvement is 'enhanced.' This term implies that something has been improved in value, quality, or attractiveness in a considerable way.

Is there a synonym for 'better' that I can use in a formal business context?

Yes, 'superior' is an excellent choice for a formal business context. It conveys a sense of higher quality or excellence in comparison to others, making it ideal for professional communications.

What synonym for 'better' can I use when referring to skill improvement?

'Advanced' is a suitable synonym when referring to skill improvement. It indicates progress or development in skills, making it perfect for contexts related to personal or professional growth.

Is there a synonym for 'better' that is suitable for informal or casual conversations?

'Improved' is a versatile synonym that fits well in informal or casual conversations. It simply indicates that something is better than it was before, without the formality of words like 'superior' or 'enhanced.'