What is synonyms for birthday

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A celebration or anniversary of the day on which a person was born.

Synonyms of birthday


As in anniversary of birth

Strongest matches:

- birth anniversary

- natal day

Weak matches:

- birth celebration

- birthdate


As in celebration

Strongest matches:

- birthday party

- birthday

- celebration

Weak matches:

- birthday bash

- birthday festivity


deathday, death anniversary, demise day

Usage examples:

1. My sister is throwing a surprise party for her best friend's 30th birthday, and we're all excited to see her reaction when she walks in.

2. One of the traditions in our family is to plant a tree on each child's first birthday as a way of contributing to the environment while celebrating their milestone.

3. As a history enthusiast, he was thrilled to discover that he shared his birthday with a famous historical figure, which made him feel a unique connection to the past.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another common word used instead of 'birthday' to signify someone's annual celebration of birth?

'Anniversary' is frequently used to denote the yearly celebration of an individual's birth, though it's more commonly associated with the commemoration of significant events such as weddings.

Is there a more formal term for 'birthday' that can be used in official documents or invitations?

The term 'natal day' is a formal synonym for 'birthday,' often used in more official or literary contexts to denote the day of a person's birth.

Can 'birthdate' be used interchangeably with 'birthday'?

Yes and no. 'Birthdate' specifically refers to the exact date (day, month, and year) of a person's birth, while 'birthday' refers to the annual celebration of that event. While related, they are used in slightly different contexts.

Is there a slang or colloquial term that is synonymous with 'birthday'?

Yes, 'b-day' is a casual, abbreviated slang term that is commonly used in informal conversations and writings to refer to someone's birthday.