What is synonyms for because

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A conjunction used to indicate the reason or explanation for something.

Synonyms of because


Strongest matches:

- since

- as

- for

- given that

Weak matches:

- inasmuch as

- seeing that

- on account of


Strongest matches:

- due to

- owing to

Weak matches:

- by reason of

- on account of


despite, although, though, in spite of, regardless of

Usage examples:

1. We decided to cancel the picnic because the weather forecast predicted heavy rain.

2. She was overjoyed because she had received an acceptance letter from her first-choice university.

3. Because of the road closure, we had to take a longer route to reach our destination.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'because'?

Some common synonyms for 'because' include 'since,' 'as,' and 'due to.' Each can be used to explain the reason or cause of something.

Can 'for' be used as a synonym for 'because'?

Yes, 'for' can be used as a synonym for 'because,' especially in formal or literary contexts. It is often used to introduce a reason or justification, similar to 'because.' For example, 'He must be late, for he is usually punctual.'

Is there a difference between 'because of' and 'due to'?

Both 'because of' and 'due to' are used to indicate the cause of something, but 'because of' is typically followed by a noun or noun phrase, while 'due to' is often used in more formal contexts and can sometimes be considered interchangeable with 'because of' depending on sentence structure. For example, 'The game was postponed because of rain' versus 'The game was postponed due to rain.'

How can I choose the right synonym for 'because' in my writing?

The choice of synonym depends on the tone, formality, and structure of your sentence. 'Since' and 'as' can introduce a reason in a less formal or more conversational tone, 'owing to' and 'due to' fit more formal contexts, and 'for' suits formal or literary uses. Consider the flow of your sentence and the emphasis you wish to convey when selecting the appropriate synonym.