What is synonyms for underserved

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Lacking in adequate services, resources, or access, especially in relation to health, education, or economic opportunities.

Synonyms of underserved


Strongest matches:

- neglected

- overlooked

- unattended

- disadvantaged

- deprived

Weak matches:

- forgotten

- ignored

- marginalized

- unnoticed

- unsupported


well-served, well-supported, adequately served, sufficiently served, overserved, privileged, advantaged, favored, overprivileged

Usage examples:

1. The clinic aims to improve healthcare access in underserved communities.

2. Despite the technological boom, rural areas remain underserved by high-speed internet service, limiting opportunities for education and economic growth.

3. The scholarship program focuses on supporting underserved students who have the potential but lack the resources to pursue higher education.

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Frequently asked questions

What does 'underserved' mean?

'Underserved' refers to individuals or communities that do not have adequate access to services such as healthcare, education, and financial services. In healthcare contexts, a common synonym is 'medically underserved,' which specifically denotes areas or populations with insufficient access to medical services and healthcare providers.

Is there a synonym for 'underserved' that emphasizes a lack of financial services or resources?

Yes, 'underbanked' is a term often used to describe individuals or communities with limited access to traditional financial services and resources, indicating a scenario where banking services are insufficient or not fully utilized.

Is there a synonym for 'underserved' that is more focused on educational opportunities?

'Educationally disadvantaged' is a term frequently used to describe individuals or communities that have less access to quality education, resources, and opportunities, highlighting the educational aspect of being underserved.

What is a general synonym for 'underserved' that can apply across various sectors?

'Marginalized' is a broad term that can be applied across various sectors, including healthcare, education, and financial services. It refers to groups or communities that are pushed to the edge of society and have limited access to resources, opportunities, and rights, thus encompassing the multifaceted aspect of being underserved.