What is synonyms for due to the fact that

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due to the fact that

/djuː tuː ðə fækt ðæt/

Indicate the reason or cause.

Synonyms of due to the fact that


Strongest matches:

- because

- since

- as

- given that

- owing to the fact that

- considering that

- in light of the fact that

- on account of

- for the reason that

Weak matches:

- due to

- caused by

- thanks to

- as a result of


regardless of, despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, even though, although, irrespective of

Usage examples:

1. Due to the fact that the roads were icy, the school decided to declare a snow day to ensure everyone's safety.

2. The project deadline was extended due to the fact that several team members were out sick with the flu.

3. She was feeling confident about the exam due to the fact that she had spent weeks studying and preparing thoroughly.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a simpler synonym for 'due to the fact that'?

A simpler synonym for 'due to the fact that' is 'because.'

Can I use 'since' as a substitute for 'due to the fact that' in formal writing?

Yes, 'since' can be used as a substitute for 'due to the fact that' in formal writing.

Is 'owing to' an appropriate synonym for 'due to the fact that' in academic texts?

'Owing to' is indeed an appropriate synonym for 'due to the fact that' in academic texts.

What is the difference between using 'as a result of' and 'due to the fact that'?

'As a result of' and 'due to the fact that' are both used to indicate causality, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Due to the fact that' is used to introduce the reason or cause directly, while 'as a result of' is typically used to precede the effect of the cause.