What is synonyms for use

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A verb that means to employ something for a particular purpose.

Synonyms of use


As in purpose, function

Strongest matches:

- function

- purpose

- utility

- role

Weak matches:

- application

- usage

- employment


As in advantage, benefit

Strongest matches:

- benefit

- advantage

- value

Weak matches:

- usefulness

- serviceability

- avail


As in employ, utilize

Strongest matches:

- utilize

- employ

- operate

- apply

Weak matches:

- wield

- manipulate

- harness


As in consume, exploit

Strongest matches:

- consume

- exploit

- exhaust

Weak matches:

- deplete

- draw on

- tap


misuse, abuse, misapply, misemploy, mishandle, mismanage, pervert, profane, prostitute, squander, waste

Usage examples:

1. The primary use of a hammer is to drive nails into wood, making it an essential tool for any construction project.

2. If you don't use sunscreen before going out, you might end up with a severe sunburn.

3. Over time, the frequent use of antibiotics can lead to resistance, making them less effective against bacterial infections.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'use'?

A more formal synonym for 'use' is 'utilize.' It implies making practical and effective use of something.

Is there a synonym for 'use' that implies depletion or consumption?

Yes, 'expend' is a synonym that suggests using something in a way that it diminishes, indicating a sense of consumption or depletion.

What synonym for 'use' is best suited for a casual or informal context?

'Employ' is a synonym that, while versatile, can feel slightly more formal but is often used in both casual and professional contexts to imply the act of using something for a particular purpose.

Can 'operate' be considered a synonym for 'use'?

'Operate' can be considered a synonym for 'use,' especially in the context of machinery or equipment. It implies the action of controlling the function of a device or machine.