What is synonyms for even though

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even though

/ˈɛvn ˈðoʊ/

Used to indicate that something happens or is true despite something else being the case.

Synonyms of even though


Strongest matches:

- nonetheless

- nevertheless

- however

- still

- yet

- notwithstanding

- although

Weak matches:

- though

- albeit

- even so

- but

- notwithstanding that

- despite that

- in spite of that


despite that, notwithstanding, however, yet, but, still, on the contrary, conversely

Usage examples:

1. Even though it was raining heavily, Sarah decided to go for a run, determined not to break her exercise streak.

2. He managed to finish the project on time, even though he had to work through the night to do it.

3. The cake looked a little burnt, but it tasted delicious even though it didn't look perfect.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'even though'?

A common synonym for 'even though' is 'although.'

Can 'despite' be used as a synonym for 'even though'?

Yes, 'despite' can be used in a similar context to 'even though,' but it is typically used differently in a sentence structure.

Is there a formal synonym for 'even though' that can be used in academic writing?

'Notwithstanding' is a more formal synonym for 'even though' and can be used in academic writing.

How does the use of 'whereas' compare to 'even though'?

'Whereas' is often used to draw a direct comparison or contrast between two facts or situations, and while it can sometimes serve a similar purpose to 'even though,' its use is more specific to comparing two distinct cases or scenarios.