What is synonyms for feel-bad

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/ˈfiːl ˌbæd/

Describing something intended to evoke a negative emotional response or make someone feel upset or guilty.

Synonyms of feel-bad


Strongest matches:

- remorseful

- regretful

- guilty

- contrite

- repentant

Weak matches:

- unhappy

- sad

- sorrowful

- melancholy

- distressed

- dejected


Strongest matches:

- apologize

- rue

- lament

Weak matches:

- mourn

- grieve

- bemoan


feel-good, elated, joyful, happy, content, pleased, delighted

Usage examples:

1. After watching the documentary on climate change, I couldn't shake off the feel-bad sensation it left me with.

2. Watching that feel-bad movie about the struggles of war left the audience in tears and contemplation.

3. Reading negative comments online can create a feel-bad atmosphere, affecting one's mood and self-esteem.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'feel-bad' when describing a negative emotional state?

A more formal synonym would be 'disconsolate,' which refers to being without consolation or comfort; extremely unhappy or dejected.

Is there a synonym for 'feel-bad' that emphasizes the physical aspect of discomfort?

Yes, 'unwell' or 'ailing' can be used to describe feeling bad in a physical sense, indicating not just emotional distress but also physical discomfort or illness.

What word can I use instead of 'feel-bad' to describe a fleeting moment of sadness or discomfort?

'Melancholy' can be a suitable substitute, as it captures a transient feeling of sadness or pensive sadness, often without a clear cause.

Can 'despondent' be used as a synonym for 'feel-bad'?

'Despondent' is indeed a synonym for 'feel-bad,' best used in contexts where the feeling of sadness is deep and accompanied by a loss of hope or courage. It implies a more intense level of emotional suffering than 'feel-bad' might suggest on its own.