What is synonyms for resilient

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Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

Synonyms of resilient


Strongest matches:

- elastic

- flexible

- pliable

- springy

- supple

- durable

- tough

Weak matches:

- adaptable

- hardy

- robust

- tenacious

- bouncy


fragile, delicate, brittle, weak, inflexible, rigid, vulnerable

Usage examples:

1. After the hurricane, the community showed its resilient spirit by quickly coming together to rebuild homes and businesses that were destroyed.

2. The resilient material of the smartphone case protected it from damage after being dropped multiple times.

3. Despite facing numerous rejections, the young writer remained resilient, continuing to refine and submit her work until she finally got published.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'resilient'?

Common synonyms for 'resilient' include 'flexible,' 'durable,' 'tough,' and 'elastic.' These words capture the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or the ability to withstand stress and pressure.

Is 'adaptable' a synonym for 'resilient'?

Yes, 'adaptable' is a synonym for 'resilient.' Both terms relate to the ability to adjust to new conditions or environments. However, 'resilient' often emphasizes the capacity to bounce back from adversity, while 'adaptable' focuses more on the ease of adjusting to change.

Can 'robust' be considered a synonym for 'resilient'?

'Robust' can be considered a synonym for 'resilient,' particularly in contexts that involve physical or structural durability. While 'robust' emphasizes strength and the ability to endure stress without damage, 'resilient' extends to the capacity for recovery. In many contexts, especially those involving systems or health, both terms are used interchangeably.

Are there any synonyms for 'resilient' that specifically apply to emotional or psychological resilience?

Yes, synonyms that focus more on emotional or psychological resilience include 'stoic,' 'unyielding,' and 'tenacious.' These terms highlight the aspect of resilience that involves enduring and overcoming emotional or mental challenges.