What is synonyms for happiness

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A state of well-being and contentment characterized by positive emotions and fulfillment.

Synonyms of happiness


As in joy

Strongest matches:

- bliss

- euphoria

- ecstasy

Weak matches:

- delight

- pleasure

- contentment


As in fulfillment

Strongest matches:

- satisfaction

- contentedness

Weak matches:

- achievement

- success


As in well-being

Strongest matches:

- prosperity

- welfare

Weak matches:

- health

- comfort


sadness, misery, unhappiness, sorrow, gloom, despair, melancholy, desolation

Usage examples:

1. The unexpected gift filled her with an overwhelming sense of happiness.

2. The children's happiness was evident as they played together in the park.

3. The happiness of the community was evident in the laughter and lively conversations that filled the air during the annual street festival.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for happiness that convey a mild sense of contentment?

Common synonyms that express a mild sense of contentment include 'contentment,' 'satisfaction,' and 'pleasure.' These terms suggest a gentle, enduring form of happiness rather than intense joy.

Are there synonyms for happiness that imply a more intense feeling?

Yes, words like 'elation,' 'ecstasy,' and 'bliss' denote a more intense, often euphoric level of happiness. These terms are typically used to describe moments of extreme joy or fulfillment.

What synonym for happiness is best used in a professional or academic setting?

'Well-being' is a synonym that is often used in professional and academic settings. It implies a comprehensive sense of happiness that includes emotional, physical, and mental health.

Can the word 'fulfillment' be considered a synonym for 'happiness'?

Yes, 'fulfillment' can be considered a synonym for happiness, but it carries a unique connotation. It suggests a deep sense of satisfaction that comes from achieving one's goals, desires, or purpose, distinguishing it from other synonyms that might focus more on the emotional state of joy or contentment.