What is synonyms for become older

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become older

/bɪˈkʌm ˈoʊldər/

To advance in age or maturity.

Synonyms of become older


As in age

Strongest matches:

- mature

- grow old

- get older

Weak matches:

- advance in years

- age gracefully

- enter into old age


As in deteriorate

Strongest matches:

- decline

- degenerate

- wither

Weak matches:

- fade

- Weaken

- diminish


As in ripen

Strongest matches:

- mature

- develop

Weak matches:

- mellow

- come of age

- bloom


become younger, rejuvenate, regress, renew

Usage examples:

1. As we become older, our priorities and perspectives on life often undergo significant changes.

2. Trees in the forest become older with each passing year, their rings telling stories of the seasons they've endured.

3. Vintage wines are said to become older and more refined with age, developing complex flavors and aromas.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'become older'?

A more formal synonym would be 'age' or 'mature.' Both terms are widely used in formal contexts to describe the process of growing older or advancing in age.

Is there a more casual or slang term that means the same as 'become older'?

Yes, a casual or slang term that conveys the same meaning as 'become older' is 'get on in years.' This phrase is less formal and is commonly used in everyday conversation.

Can 'ripen' be used as a synonym for 'become older'?

'Ripen' is typically used in the context of fruits or sometimes metaphorically to describe someone reaching a state of maturity. While it can have a similar connotation to 'become older' when used metaphorically, it's more specific to maturity or readiness rather than the general process of aging.

Are there any synonyms for 'become older' that specifically refer to objects or inanimate things?

Yes, 'age' can also be used in the context of objects, suggesting a process of becoming older or more worn with time. Another term is 'weather,' which implies aging due to exposure to the elements, often used with materials like wood or metal.