What is synonyms for passive-aggressive

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Behavior characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation.

Synonyms of passive-aggressive


Strongest matches:

- indirectly hostile

- icovertly aggressive

- isubtly antagonistic

- iunderhandedly oppositional

- isecretly defiant

Weak matches:

- passive-resistance

- hidden hostility

- veiled aggression

- quietly defiant

- passive discontent


direct, assertive, straightforward, open, candid

Usage examples:

1. When Sarah said she didn't mind doing all the work herself, her tone was so passive-aggressive that everyone knew she was actually upset about it.

2. Leaving a note on the fridge asking for rent instead of talking directly is a classic passive-aggressive move by roommates.

3. His passive-aggressive comments during meetings make it difficult to address issues directly.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'passive-aggressive' that implies indirect resistance?

A common synonym is 'obstructive.' This term captures the essence of someone who is indirectly resisting demands or avoiding direct confrontation, often in a subtle or covert manner.

Is there a synonym for 'passive-aggressive' that emphasizes the silent treatment aspect?

Yes, 'sulking' is a term that highlights the silent treatment or moodiness aspect of passive-aggressive behavior, where an individual communicates their displeasure or disapproval without open confrontation.

What synonym for 'passive-aggressive' suggests a more psychological approach to understanding the behavior?

'Manipulative' is a synonym that suggests a deeper psychological tactic involved in passive-aggressive behavior, where the person aims to control or influence others indirectly and covertly.

Can 'indirect' be considered a synonym for 'passive-aggressive'?

Yes, 'indirect' can be considered a synonym in the context of communication or behavior. It refers to the non-direct manner of expressing displeasure, disagreement, or resistance, characteristic of passive-aggressive behavior, without engaging in open conflict.