What is synonyms for has

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Refers to the third person singular present tense of 'have,' indicating possession, requirement, or a relationship.

Synonyms of has


As in possession or ownership

Strongest matches:

- owns

- possesses

- holds

Weakest matches:

- keeps

- maintains

- retains


As in experiencing

Strongest matches:

- undergoes

- experiences

Weakest matches:

- encounters

- faces


As in holding a characteristic

Strongest matches:

- boasts

- exhibits

- displays

Weakest matches:

- shows

- features


lacks, has not, is without, is devoid of

Usage examples:

1. She has a collection of rare stamps that she's been gathering since childhood.

2. The project has encountered several delays due to unforeseen circumstances.

3. This area has a rich history that dates back to the early settlers.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'has'?

Common synonyms for 'has' include 'possesses,' 'holds,' 'owns,' and 'contains'. Each of these words can be used in different contexts to express possession or inclusion.

Can 'maintains' be used as a synonym for 'has'?

Yes, 'maintains' can be used as a synonym for 'has' in contexts where someone is keeping something in a particular state or condition. However, it's more specific and not as broadly interchangeable as some other synonyms.

Is there a difference between 'has' and 'retains'?

Yes, there is. While both indicate possession, 'retains' suggests keeping something one already has, often despite challenges. 'Has' is more general and simply denotes possession without implying any effort to keep it.

Can 'harbors' be considered a synonym for 'has'?

'Harbors' can be a synonym for 'has' in contexts that involve holding feelings, thoughts, or intentions. It's less about physical possession and more about containing or nurturing something internally, like 'She harbors a deep love for the arts'.