What is synonyms for overall

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Used to describe clothing that covers the body from the chest down, typically used for protection or as a uniform; the general or total effect, scope, or outcome of something.

Synonyms of overall


Strongest matches:

- comprehensive

- complete

- total

- universal

Weak matches:

- general

- widespread

- broad

- extensive


Strongest matches:

- altogether

- entirely

Weak matches:

- generally

- broadly

- largely

- mostly


partial, specific, limited, incomplete, fragmented, sectional, piecemeal, isolated

Usage examples:

1. Overall, the trip was enjoyable, although the weather could have been better.

2. The company's sales have increased overall this year compared to last year.

3. She performed well overall in the competition.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'overall'?

Some common synonyms include 'generally,' 'broadly,' 'largely,' and 'mostly.' These terms help convey a sense of the majority or the general state of things without focusing on specific details.

What synonym can be used to describe an overall assessment or result?

For discussing scores or results, you might use synonyms like 'total,' 'aggregate,' 'sum,' or 'net.' These terms focus on the combined effect or outcome of various factors.

Are there any synonyms for 'overall' that emphasize a comprehensive review or analysis?

Yes, when emphasizing a thorough examination or consideration, you might use 'comprehensive,' 'exhaustive,' 'inclusive,' or 'all-encompassing.' These synonyms suggest that nothing has been left out of the consideration.

Can 'overall' and its synonyms be used interchangeably in all contexts?

While many synonyms of 'overall' share similar meanings, their usage might vary based on context. It's important to choose a synonym that accurately conveys the intended nuance. For example, 'broadly' might be more suitable for general opinions, whereas 'aggregate' is more specific to numerical calculations.