What is synonyms for however

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Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.

Synonyms of however


Strongest matches:

- nevertheless

- nonetheless

- yet

Weak matches:

- still

- though

- albeit


Strongest matches:

- nonetheless

- nevertheless

Weak matches:

- anyway

- besides

- moreover


nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, still, conversely, on the contrary, instead, notwithstanding, regardless, albeit

Usage examples:

1. The weather forecast predicted sunny skies; however, it rained all afternoon.

2. I usually enjoy spicy food; however, this dish was too hot for me.

3. She studied hard for the exam; however, she didn't achieve the grade she was hoping for.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'however'?

Some common synonyms for 'however' include 'nevertheless,' 'nonetheless,' 'yet,' 'but,' and 'still.' These words can be used interchangeably in many contexts to indicate a contrast or exception to what has been previously stated.

Can 'on the other hand' be considered a synonym for 'however'?

Yes, 'on the other hand' can be considered a synonym for 'however' when it is used to introduce a contrasting point in an argument or discussion. It is particularly useful when comparing two different ideas or options. Is there a difference in how 'however' and its synonyms can be used in a sentence

Is there a difference in how 'however' and its synonyms can be used in a sentence?

Yes, while 'however' and its synonyms often serve similar functions, their placement within a sentence can vary. For example, 'however' can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, often followed by a comma when starting a sentence. 'But' is typically used to connect two clauses in the same sentence without preceding punctuation (e.g., 'This is expensive, but it's worth it'). 'Nevertheless' and 'nonetheless' are more formal and usually found at the beginning or middle of a sentence, similar to 'however.'

Are there contexts where 'however' and its synonyms are not interchangeable?

Yes, there are contexts where these words might not be directly interchangeable due to subtle differences in tone and formality. For instance, 'but' is more common in everyday language and might not be suitable for very formal writing where 'nevertheless' or 'nonetheless' would be preferred. Additionally, the phrase 'on the other hand' is specifically used when comparing two sides of an argument, which might not always be the intended meaning when someone uses 'however.'