What is synonyms for thing

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An object, idea, or entity not precisely identified or named.

Synonyms of thing


As in event / situation

Strongest matches:

- event

- occurrence

- situation

- incident

Weak matches:

- circumstance

- episode

- happening

- case


nothing, entity, nothingness, zero

Usage examples:

1. She couldn't find her favorite necklace and searched every nook and cranny for the missing thing.

2. Doing homework immediately after school isn't my favorite thing, but it helps keep my evenings free.

3. The science exhibition was filled with all sorts of interesting things, from robots to holograms, capturing the imagination of everyone who attended.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'thing'?

Some common synonyms for 'thing' include object, item, stuff, and article. The choice of synonym often depends on the context in which you're using the word.

Can 'entity' be used as a synonym for 'thing'?

Yes, 'entity' can be used as a synonym for 'thing,' especially in contexts where you're referring to something that exists either physically or in a more abstract sense. It's often used in more formal or technical discussions.

Is there a difference between 'thing' and 'object'?

While 'thing' and 'object' are often used interchangeably, 'object' specifically refers to a material item that can be seen and touched. 'Thing,' on the other hand, has a broader usage and can refer to ideas, concepts, or entities that aren't tangible.

What synonym for 'thing' is best used in a casual conversation?

'Stuff' is a great synonym for 'thing' in casual conversations. It's informal and can refer to a collection of items or to things that are not specified or are considered unimportant.