What is synonyms for like

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To find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.

Synonyms of like


As in enjoy or prefer

Strongest matches:

- adore

- love

- relish

Weak matches:

- appreciate

- fancy

- enjoy


As in similar to

Strongest matches:

- resemble

- mirror

- echo

Weak matches:

- mimic

- parallel

- simulate


Strongest matches:

- counterpart

- equivalent

Weak matches:

- analogue

- parallel


Strongest matches:

- similar

- akin

Weak matches:

- comparable

- analogous

- related


Strongest matches:

- akin to

- similar to

Weak matches:

- resembling


Strongest matches:

- as

- just as

Weak matches:

- similarly to


dislike, hate, detest, abhor, despise

Usage examples:

1. Sarah enjoys hiking and biking, but she likes swimming the most because it's a great workout and helps her relax.

2. The weather today is like what you'd expect in spring, mild and pleasant with a gentle breeze.

3. What does the soup taste like?

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'like' when expressing enjoyment?

A more formal synonym for 'like' in the context of expressing enjoyment is 'appreciate.' For example, instead of saying 'I like classical music,' you could say 'I appreciate classical music.'

Is there a synonym for 'like' that indicates a stronger level of interest?

Yes, 'adore' or 'love' indicates a stronger level of interest or affection than 'like.' For instance, saying 'I adore vintage cars' conveys a deeper passion than simply stating 'I like vintage cars.'

What synonym can I use for 'like' when making comparisons or drawing similarities?

When making comparisons or indicating similarity, 'resemble' or 'similar to' are useful synonyms. For example, you could say 'Your painting resembles the work of Monet' as an alternative to 'Your painting is like the work of Monet.'

Is there a synonym for 'like' that is suitable for professional or academic writing?

In professional or academic writing, 'favor' or 'prefer' can serve as more appropriate synonyms for 'like.' For instance, 'In this study, we prefer the use of qualitative methods' offers a more formal tone than 'In this study, we like the use of qualitative methods.'