What is synonyms for side chick

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side chick

/saɪd tʃɪk/

A woman who is romantically involved with someone else who is already in a committed relationship.

Synonyms of side chick


Strongest matches:

- mistress

- paramour

- other woman

Weak matches:

- affair partner

- flirt

- girlfriend on the side

- secret lover


main partner, primary partner, main squeeze, significant other, spouse, primary significant other, main girlfriend, main boyfriend

Usage examples:

1. He was caught by his girlfriend when she found out he had a side chick, leading to a dramatic breakup.

2. The gossip around town was all about the politician's scandal involving his side chick.

3. She confronted him about the rumors, demanding to know if he really had a side chick.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal term for a 'side chick'?

A more formal term for 'side chick' is 'paramour.' This word refers to a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person.

Is there a slang term similar to 'side chick' that is commonly used?

'Mistress' is a term that has been used both formally and as slang. While it can have a broader meaning, it often refers to a woman who is in a long-term sexual relationship with, and is financially supported by, a man who is married to someone else.

What is a gender-neutral term that can be used instead of 'side chick'?

A gender-neutral term that can be used is 'side piece.' This term does not specify the gender of the person and refers to someone who is not the partner's primary romantic interest.

Is there a term that specifically implies a secondary relationship without the negative connotations of 'side chick'?

'Secondary partner' is a term used within the polyamory community that implies a secondary relationship without necessarily having the negative connotations associated with terms like 'side chick.' It acknowledges the existence of a primary partnership but does not diminish the importance of the secondary relationship.