What is synonyms for family

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A group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit, or all the descendants of a common ancestor.

Synonyms of family


As in group of people related by blood or marriage

Strongest matches:

- relatives

- kin

- kinfolk

- kinsmen

- lineage

- blood relatives

Weak matches:

- ancestors

- descendants

- progeny

- clan

- tribe


As in group living together or considered as a unit

Strongest matches:

- household

- home

Weak matches:

- domestic unit

- hearth


As in biological classification

Strongest matches:

- genus

- species

- order

Weak matches:

- taxonomy

- classification


Strongest matches:

- familial

- domestic

Weak matches:

- kinship-related

- hereditary


solitude, isolation, stranger, unrelated, individual, loneliness

Usage examples:

1. The Johnson family decided to go on a road trip to the Grand Canyon for their summer vacation.

2. He considers his friends as his extended family, always there to support him.

3. When faced with hardships, it was the support and love from her family.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'family'?

A more formal synonym for 'family' is 'relatives.' This term encompasses the broader range of familial connections beyond the immediate family, including cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Is there a synonym for 'family' that focuses specifically on the immediate household?

Yes, 'household' is a synonym that specifically refers to the people who live together in one house, which often includes the immediate family members such as parents and children, but can also include extended family or non-relatives.

What is a good synonym for 'family' that emphasizes genetic connections?

'Kin' or 'kinfolk' are synonyms that emphasize genetic connections and blood relations within a family. These terms are often used to refer to both close and extended family members linked by ancestry.

Is there a synonym for 'family' that includes both blood relatives and close non-blood relationships?

'Clan' can be used to refer to a group of closely knit family members, including both blood relatives and individuals who are not related by blood but are considered part of the family due to strong bonds or longstanding relationships. Another term that captures this inclusive sense of family is 'tribe,' though it's more informal and can also refer to groups sharing common interests or characteristics beyond familial connections.