What is synonyms for moreover

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Furthermore; in addition to what has been said.

Synonyms of moreover


Strongest matches:

- furthermore

- additionally

- also

- besides

- too

Weak matches:

- likewise

- moreover

- as well


Strongest matches:

- furthermore

- moreover

Weak matches:

- and

- in addition

- plus


less, nevertheless, however, yet, instead, conversely, on the contrary, nonetheless

Usage examples:

1. The new policy will not only increase productivity but, moreover, it will also enhance employee satisfaction.

2. The novel was captivating, drawing readers in with its intricate plot; moreover, the author's use of language was particularly striking.

3. She had all the qualifications for the job and, moreover, brought a level of enthusiasm that was unmatched by other candidates.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'moreover'?

Common synonyms for 'moreover' include 'furthermore,' 'in addition,' 'besides,' and 'also.' Each of these words can be used to add information that supports what has been previously stated.

Can 'additionally' be used interchangeably with 'moreover'?

Yes, 'additionally' can often be used interchangeably with 'moreover.' Both words are used to introduce an additional point that reinforces the argument or statement being made. However, the choice between them can depend on the tone and flow of the sentence.

Is there a difference in formality among synonyms for 'moreover'?

Yes, there can be slight differences in formality among these synonyms. 'Moreover' and 'furthermore' are considered more formal and are often used in written language or formal speech. 'Also' and 'besides' are slightly less formal and can be used more freely in everyday conversation.

How can I choose the best synonym for 'moreover' in my writing?

The best synonym for 'moreover' depends on the context of your sentence and the tone you wish to convey. If you're writing in a formal context, 'furthermore' or 'in addition' might be more appropriate. For a less formal tone, 'also' or 'besides' could be better choices. Consider reading the sentence aloud with each synonym to see which fits best.