What is another word for hope

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A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Antonyms of hope


Strongest matches:

- despair

- hopelessness

- pessimism

Weak matches:

- doubt

- fear

- uncertainty


Strongest matches:

- despair

- doubt

Weak matches:

- fear

- worry


Strongest matches:

- hopeless

- pessimistic

- despondent

Weak matches:

- doubtful

- fearful

- uncertain


expectation, aspiration, desire, wish, optimism, anticipation, faith, trust, confidence, belief

Usage examples:

1. After months of searching for a new job, she finally felt a glimmer of hope when she received a promising email from a potential employer.

2. The stranded hikers kept their spirits high by holding onto the hope that rescue teams would find them.

3. The discovery of a new, effective treatment for a previously incurable disease offers hope to millions of patients worldwide.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'hope'?

A common antonym for 'hope' is 'despair.' While 'hope' implies a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, 'despair' suggests the complete loss or absence of hope.

Can 'doubt' be considered an antonym of 'hope'?

Yes, 'doubt' can be considered an antonym of 'hope' in certain contexts. 'Hope' entails a positive expectation about the future, whereas 'doubt' introduces uncertainty or a lack of confidence in what the future holds.

Is 'fear' an opposite of 'hope,' and how do they differ?

'Fear' can be seen as an antonym of 'hope,' especially when considering emotional responses to future events. 'Hope' is a forward-looking sentiment filled with positivity and expectation, while 'fear' is a negative emotion arising from the anticipation of danger, pain, or harm.

Are there any nuanced antonyms of 'hope' that convey a neutral stance rather than a negative one?

'Indifference' might be considered a nuanced, more neutral antonym of 'hope.' It denotes a lack of interest or concern about the outcome of a situation, which contrasts with the engaged and optimistic outlook that 'hope' embodies.