What is synonyms for cool

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Marked by moderate coldness or lacking in warmth; attractive, stylish, or impressive in a fashionable or trendy way; to make colder or less hot.

Synonyms of cool


As in temperature

Strongest matches:

- chilly

- cold

Weak matches:

- brisk

- nippy

- frosty


As in fashionable

Strongest matches:

- trendy

- stylish

- hip

Weak matches:

- fashionable

- in

- chic


As in composed

Strongest matches:

- unflappable

- collected

- imperturbable

Weak matches:

- calm

- composed

- nonchalant


As in to reduce temperature

Strongest matches:

- chill

- refrigerate

Weak matches:

- freeze

- ice


As in to become less friendly

Strongest matches:

- distance

- alienate

Weak matches:

- estrange

- cool off


Strongest matches:

- chill

- coldness

Weak matches:

- coolness

- freshness


warm, hot, enthusiastic, friendly, excited

Usage examples:

1. After a long jog on a sweltering summer day, diving into the cool pool was incredibly refreshing.

2. The new art exhibit downtown is really cool.

3. She maintained her cool demeanor during the heated debate.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'cool' when describing temperature?

When referring to temperature, synonyms for 'cool' include 'chilly,' 'crisp,' 'brisk,' and 'refreshing.' Each of these words can be used to describe a pleasant, moderately cold temperature.

Can 'cool' also describe someone's personality?

Yes, 'cool' can describe a person's demeanor or personality. Synonyms in this context include 'composed,' 'unflappable,' 'nonchalant,' and 'collected.' These words convey a sense of calmness and self-assurance.

What synonyms for 'cool' are used in informal settings to describe something impressive or fashionable?

In informal or slang contexts, 'cool' can be replaced with words like 'awesome,' 'trendy,' 'hip,' 'rad,' and 'lit.' These terms are often used to describe something that is impressive, fashionable, or in line with current trends.

Are there any synonyms for 'cool' that specifically relate to reducing hostility or tension?

Yes, when referring to reducing hostility or tension, synonyms for 'cool' include 'calm,' 'soothe,' 'pacify,' and 'defuse.' These words suggest actions or states that help to bring down emotional or physical heat and create a more harmonious environment.