What is synonyms for no

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A negative response or denial.

Synonyms of no


Strongest matches:

- absolutely not

- certainly not

- definitely not

- by no means

- not at all

Weak matches:

- negative

- nope

- nah

- not really

- I don't think so


yes, affirm, approve, accept, agree

Usage examples:

1. After reviewing the proposal in detail, the committee decided to say no, citing concerns over budget and feasibility.

2. When asked if he had ever been to Europe, John shook his head and replied with a simple no.

3. The sign at the park clearly said No dogs allowed, but there were still a few people walking their pets, ignoring the rule.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some polite synonyms for 'no' that can be used in professional emails?

In professional emails, you might opt for phrases like 'I'm afraid that won't be possible,' 'Unfortunately, I have to decline,' or 'Thank you for the offer, but I cannot commit at this time.' These options convey refusal respectfully and maintain a professional tone.

Are there any informal synonyms for 'no' that are commonly used in everyday conversation?

Yes, in informal settings, people often use phrases like 'nah,' 'nope,' or 'not really' to convey refusal or disagreement in a more relaxed and casual manner. These expressions are typically used among friends or in less formal contexts.

Is there any emphatic synonyms for 'no' that indicate strong refusal?

For instances requiring a strong and clear refusal, expressions such as 'absolutely not,' 'by no means,' or 'definitely not' can be used. These emphatic responses leave no room for ambiguity regarding the speaker's stance.

What are some creative or less direct ways to say 'no' without using the word itself?

To refuse or decline without directly saying 'no,' you might use phrases like 'I'll pass,' 'Maybe another time,' or 'I'm not sure that’s for me.' These responses soften the refusal, making it more palatable in social situations or when trying to maintain a positive tone.