What is synonyms for horny

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Feeling or expressing sexual desire; hard and rough.

Synonyms of horny


As in sexually attracted or aroused

Strongest matches:

- aroused

- lustful

- desirous

Weak matches:

- excited

- titillated

- randy


As in having a rough, hard surface

Strongest matches:

- rough

- hard

Weak matches:

- textured

- coarse

- bumpy


frigid, indifferent, uninterested, asexual, cold

Usage examples:

1. She found herself getting horny just thinking about their upcoming date.

2. After a long day apart, they both felt incredibly horny and couldn't wait to be together.

3. The naturalist pointed out the large, horny plates that covered the back of the armadillo, explaining how they served as protection from predators.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'horny' that are less vulgar?

Some less vulgar synonyms for 'horny' include 'aroused,' 'excited,' and 'desirous.' These terms are more subtle and are generally acceptable in a wider range of contexts.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'horny' that can be used in medical or academic discussions?

Yes, in more formal or medical contexts, terms like 'sexually aroused' or 'in a state of sexual arousal' are preferred. These expressions maintain the scientific or academic tone without resorting to colloquial language.

Can the synonym 'randy' for 'horny' be used in all English-speaking countries?

While 'randy' is widely understood in most English-speaking countries, it's more commonly used in the UK. In other countries, people might prefer different synonyms based on regional variations in English. It's always good to be aware of these nuances to ensure clear communication.

Is there a difference in connotation between 'lustful' and 'horny'?

Yes, there is a slight difference. 'Lustful' often carries a connotation of intense or excessive sexual desire, which can sometimes imply a lack of control or an overriding of reason. 'Horny,' on the other hand, is more colloquial and broadly refers to a state of sexual arousal without necessarily implying excess or a loss of control.