What is synonyms for resume

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A document summarizing an individual's background, qualifications, and work experience, typically used for job applications.

Synonyms of resume


Strongest matches:

- curriculum vitae (CV)

- biography

- profile

Weak matches:

- summary

- overview

- outline


Strongest matches:

- continue

- restart

- proceed

Weak matches:

- renew

- reinitiate

- pick up


halt, stop, suspend, discontinue, cease, terminate, end, pause, interrupt, break

Usage examples:

1. After a short break, we will resume the meeting to discuss the remaining agenda items.

2. She decided to resume her studies after taking a year off to travel.

3. The match was delayed due to rain but will resume as soon as the weather clears.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'resume' when referring to a job application document?

A common synonym for 'resume' in the context of job applications is 'CV' or 'curriculum vitae.' Both terms are used to describe a document outlining an individual's employment history, educational background, and skills.

If I want to express the action of continuing something that was paused, what synonym can I use instead of 'resume'?

To convey the action of continuing after a pause, you can use the word 'restart,' 'proceed,' or 'continue.' Each of these words captures the essence of resuming an action that was previously halted.

Is there a synonym for 'resume' that I can use in a creative project or literary context?

In creative or literary contexts, you might opt for synonyms like 'recommence' or 'renew' to convey the act of starting again with a fresh perspective or after a break. These words add a layer of nuance and can enrich the narrative or description.

For academic or formal writing, what is a preferred synonym for 'resume' that suggests a detailed summary?

In academic or formal writing, when you wish to refer to a concise summary or overview, 'synopsis' or 'abstract' can serve as suitable synonyms. These terms suggest a brief yet comprehensive encapsulation of the main points or elements of a larger work or discussion.