What is synonyms for main character

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main character

/meɪn ˈkærəktər/

The protagonist or central figure in a story, around whom the plot revolves.

Synonyms of main character


As in protagonist

Strongest matches:

- hero

- heroine

- lead

- principal

Weak matches:

- central character

- leading character

- main role

- title character


As in central figure

Strongest matches:

- central figure

- key player

Weak matches:

- main figure

- focal character


antagonist, minor character, supporting character, sidekick, extra, bit part, background character

Usage examples:

1. The main character of the novel is a young detective who solves mysteries in a small town.

2. In the movie, the main character faces numerous challenges but ultimately finds a way to overcome them.

3. The main character's journey of self-discovery and growth is the central theme of the story.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'main character'?

Common synonyms for 'main character' include 'protagonist,' 'lead,' 'hero,' 'heroine,' and 'central character'. Each term highlights a slightly different aspect of the character's role within a story but essentially refers to the same key figure around whom the plot revolves.

Can the term 'antagonist' be considered a synonym for 'main character'?

No, 'antagonist' is not a synonym for 'main character.' While both terms refer to important characters in a story, the antagonist is typically the character who opposes the protagonist or main character. The antagonist creates conflict for the main character, which is crucial for the development of the plot.

Is there a difference between the terms 'protagonist' and 'hero'?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. While both terms can refer to the main character of a story, 'protagonist' is a neutral term that simply denotes the central character, regardless of their moral alignment or character traits. 'Hero,' on the other hand, implies that the character has noble qualities, performs courageous acts, or possesses traits that are admired by others. Therefore, all heroes can be protagonists, but not all protagonists are heroes.

Can the term 'lead' be used in any genre of story?

Yes, the term 'lead' is versatile and can be used across various genres of stories, including drama, comedy, romance, action, and more. It refers to the main character who leads the plot forward, regardless of the story's setting or theme. This term is often used in both literary and cinematic contexts to denote the central figure around whom the story revolves.