What is synonyms for significant

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Having a meaning that is important, notable, or consequential.

Synonyms of significant


As in considerable in amount or number

Strongest matches:

- considerable

- sizable

- large

Weak matches:

- appreciable

- decent

- marked

- noticeable


insignificant, trivial, unimportant, minor, negligible, inconsequential, slight, small, irrelevant, meaningless

Usage examples:

1. The scientist's discovery of a new planet was considered a significant contribution to the field of astronomy.

2. There was a significant increase in sales this quarter, exceeding the company's expectations.

3. The couple felt that their wedding day marked a significant moment in their lives.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'significant' in academic writing?

In academic writing, the word 'substantial' is often used as a more formal synonym for 'significant.' It conveys a sense of considerable importance or size, making it suitable for scholarly texts.

Can 'noteworthy' be used interchangeably with 'significant'?

Yes, 'noteworthy' can be used interchangeably with 'significant' in many contexts. Both words denote something that deserves attention or is of considerable importance. However, 'noteworthy' might carry a slightly lighter tone, often used for things that stand out due to their interesting or unusual aspects.

Is 'momentous' a direct synonym for 'significant,' and how do their meanings differ?

'Momentous' is indeed a synonym for 'significant,' but with a nuance that emphasizes the importance of an event or moment in terms of its historical or life-changing impact. While 'significant' can apply broadly to anything important, 'momentous' is typically reserved for events with grand or far-reaching consequences.

What synonym for 'significant' suggests a quantitative aspect, and in what context is it best used?

The synonym 'considerable' suggests a quantitative aspect, implying something is significant in amount, size, or degree. It is best used in contexts where the numeric or scale impact of something is being highlighted, such as in scientific research, statistical reports, or discussions about measurable changes.