What is synonyms for star

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A luminous celestial body made of plasma, held together by gravity, typically visible as a point of light in the night sky; a very famous, successful, and important person.

Synonyms of star


As in celestial body

Strongest matches:

- sun

- planet

Weak matches:

- satellite

- comet


As in famous person

Strongest matches:

- celebrity

- superstar

- icon

Weak matches:

- luminary

- notable

- personality


As in symbol

Strongest matches:

- asterisk

- star shape

Weak matches:

- emblem

- badge


As in perform excellently

Strongest matches:

- excel

- shine

Weak matches:

- lead

- dominate


As in feature as a performer

Strongest matches:

- headline

- top-bill

Weak matches:

- appear

- perform


dud, failure, flop, nobody, nonentity, unknown

Usage examples:

1. At night, she loved to gaze up at the sky, marveling at the countless stars twinkling above.

2. The young actor, with his remarkable talent and undeniable charisma, quickly rose to become a star in Hollywood.

3. The critic awarded the new smartphone model a five-star rating.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'star' when referring to celestial bodies?

A common synonym for 'star' in the context of celestial bodies is 'sun.' Although 'sun' specifically refers to the star at the center of our solar system, it is often used more broadly to describe any star in the universe.

Is there a synonym for 'star' that can be used in the context of a leading performer or celebrity?

Yes, 'celebrity' is a widely used synonym for 'star' in the context of a leading performer or notable public figure. Other similar terms include 'icon,' 'luminary,' and 'superstar.'

Can 'star' be replaced with another word in the context of rating systems, such as hotel and restaurant ratings?

While 'star' is the most commonly used term in rating systems, alternatives like 'rating,' 'grade,' or 'level' can sometimes be used. However, these alternatives do not convey the exact same prestige and recognition as 'star.'

What is an artistic or poetic synonym for 'star' that could be used in literature or poetry?

'Celestial' is a poetic synonym for 'star,' often used to evoke a sense of beauty and awe related to the night sky. Other artistic synonyms include 'orb,' 'luminary,' and 'beacon,' each bringing its own nuance to the imagery of stars.