What is another word for debilitate

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To weaken or reduce the strength or energy of someone or something.

Antonyms of debilitate


Strongest matches:

- strengthen

- energize

- fortify

Weak matches:

- invigorate

- empower

- reinforce


Strongest matches:

- strong

- robust

- hearty

Weak matches:

- sturdy

- vigorous

- resilient


weaken, enfeeble, enervate, sap, exhaust, tire, fatigue, undermine, impair, incapacitate

Usage examples:

1. The prolonged illness began to debilitate her, making even simple tasks difficult.

2. Without proper nutrition, the athlete's performance started to debilitate, affecting his career.

3. The cyber attack was designed to debilitate the company's infrastructure, causing widespread disruption.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'debilitate'?

A common antonym for 'debilitate' is 'strengthen.' While 'debilitate' means to make someone or something weak, 'strengthen' implies making someone or something more powerful or stronger.

Can 'energize' be considered an antonym for 'debilitate'?

Yes, 'energize' can be considered an antonym for 'debilitate.' 'Energize' refers to giving energy or vitality to someone or something, which is the opposite of causing weakness or reducing the energy levels, as implied by 'debilitate.'

Is 'fortify' an appropriate antonym for 'debilitate'? How do they differ?

'Fortify' is indeed an appropriate antonym for 'debilitate.' To 'fortify' means to strengthen or reinforce something, especially in terms of physical strength or defense. This is in direct contrast to 'debilitate,' which means to weaken or diminish strength. The difference lies in their implications: 'fortify' often suggests adding strength or defenses, while 'debilitate' suggests taking away strength or vitality.

What is a less common antonym of 'debilitate' that still accurately conveys the opposite meaning?

A less common antonym of 'debilitate' that accurately conveys the opposite meaning is 'invigorate.' To 'invigorate' means to give strength or energy to something or someone. It is slightly different from simply strengthening, as it carries the connotation of imparting vigor, life, or energy, making it a fitting yet less frequently cited opposite of 'debilitate.'